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«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)

«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)
e-mail:izvestia_vspu@mail.ru, izvestia@vspu.ru ),
phone (8442) 60-28-86

№3 (126) 2018
2018 г.
Педагогические науки
Sociocultural grounds for the innovative nature of Western European education
It is proved that civilizations are different in the degree of openness to innovative search, the scale and intensity of which are determined by their sociocultural characteristics. The preconditions for innovations in the field of education are mostly created in the civilizations of the private-property type (including in Western Europe), since the pedagogical culture with the tradition of innovationproductionis developed there.
Key words: инновационное общество; инновации в образовании; традиционное образование; социокультурный организм; частнособственнические отношения; отношения «власть - собственность»; innovative society; innovations in education; traditional education; sociocultural organism; private-property relations; relations“power - property”
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Philosophic origins of multicultural education
The article deals with the approaches of various philosophers, whose ideas became the basis for the theory of multicultural education. The specific features of development of multiculturalism as a pedagogical category are under consideration in the article.
Key words: мультикультурное образование; философские основы образования; мультикультурная образовательная среда; иноязычная профессиональная подготовка; multicultural education; philosophic foundations of education; multicultural educational environment; foreign language professional training
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Development of skills of students’ professional adaptation in terms of university training
The article deals with the issues of creating the conditions that favour the development of the skills of students’ professional adaptation. It is proved that professional adaptation is a complex multilevel process that affects the time and depth of students’involvement in the profession, so the skills of professional adaptation can be formed in the process of interactionof students and the practice-oriented educational environment of the university close to the profession in its content and forms of professional activity.
Key words: профессиональная адаптация; практико-ориентированная образовательная среда вуза; интеграция; professional adaptation; practice-oriented educational environment of a university; integration
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Development of students’ value attitude to healthy lifestyle as a pedagogical issue
The article deals with the issues of holistic education in the methodology of the classical approach. The dependence of the results of vocational education of college students on their value attitude to healthy lifestyle is described. This attitude, which includes physical and emotional types of intelligence, is presented as a pedagogical task, which is solved in the context of ethnopedagogy and in the framework of implementation of the classical educational technologies.
Key words: здоровье; здоровый образ жизни; ценностное отношение; ценностное отношение к здоровому образу жизни; сознание; health; healthy lifestyle; value attitude; value attitude to healthy lifestyle; consciousness
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Innovative technologies in the process of future teacher training
The article deals with the issues of student training for pedagogical activity on the basis of innovative technologies,which is caused by the insufficient orientation of special and general subjects to the solution of this problem. The didactic conditions of the introduction of innovative pedagogical tasks and situations in the content of university disciplines are found out. Three types of innovative pedagogical taskare described.
Key words: инновационные технологии; инновационные педагогические задачи; педагогическая деятельность; народное образование; профессиональное мышление; innovative technologies; innovative pedagogical tasks; pedagogical activity; national education; professional thinking
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Teacher and organizer of discipline “life safety”: patriotic education in terms of negative information space
The article presents the attempt to analyze the dangers and risks of the modern information space and the readiness of the institution of modern Russian education to neutralize the information challenges in the process of organizing the patriotic education. The challenges and opportunities of a teacher of basics of life safety in the field of patriotic-oriented training are under consideration.
Key words: информационное пространство; патриотическое воспитание; учитель ОБЖ; information space; patriotic education; teacher of basics of life safety
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Concept of “educational strategies” in foreign language mastering in foreign research
The article deals with the approaches to understanding of educational strategies in foreign research. The attention is focused on consideration of educational strategies as a necessary component of development of the educational autonomy. The characteristic features of educational strategies in mastering a foreign language and their differences from educational techniques are under consideration. The authors give the detailed analysis of the basic classifications of educational strategies as presented by foreign researchers.
Key words: учебная автономия; учебные стратегии; учебные техники; иностранный язык; educational autonomy; learning strategies; educational techniques; foreign language
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Assessment means of formation of professional language competence of a foreign student in the process of teaching physics at the pre-university stage
The article deals with the role of preparatory faculties in pre-university training of foreign citizens. The necessity of formation of professional and language competence of foreign students is substantiated, the features of such formation in accordance with the levels are considered, the assessment means of formation of the competence at each level are described, thespecific examples of tasks for each level are given in the article.
Key words: подготовительный факультет; довузовская подготовка иностранных студентов; профессионально-языковая компетентность; оценочные средства; уровни формирования компетентности; preparatory faculty; pre-university training of foreign students; professional language competence; assessmentmeans; levels of competence formation
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Sociocultural adaptation of foreign students to learning conditions in Russian higher schools
The article deals with the concept of “sociocultural adaptation of foreign students” through the system of its characteristics. By the example of the students from the People’s Republic of China studying at the Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, the authors investigate the methods of pedagogic assistance to foreign students in overcoming the linguistic, didactic and sociocultural barriers at the preventive, primary and basic stages of sociocultural adaptation to the learning conditions in Russian higher schools.
Key words: образовательная организация высшего образования (вуз); иностранные студенты; адаптация; социокультурная адаптация; барьеры адаптации (языковой; дидактический); educational organization of higher education (higher education institution); foreign students; adaptation; sociocultural adaptation; barriers of adaptation (linguistic; didactic)
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Interactive game forms in teaching Russian as a foreign language in groups of bachelors from China
The article deals with one of the urgent issues of teaching foreign languages- improvement of forms of education. The authors investigate the experience of using the game tasks and educational plays, which contribute to the formation of verbal skills, improve the communicative competence, develop social and personal individuality of students, activate their mental work, allowbringing the learning process closer to real conditions.
Key words: иностранные студенты; игра; компетенция; мотивация; коммуникативность; foreign students; game; competence; motivation; communication skills
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Professionalperforming and methodological aspects of integration of musical education in Russia and China (by the example of instrumental training)
The article deals with the essential characteristics of integration processes in the sphere of musical education of two countries - Russia and China. It is proved that the basis for the search for ways to improve this integration is the creation of a special methodological system that will combine the European musical traditions and the specific nature of Chinese pedagogy of musical education in the field of instrumental training.
Key words: интеграция музыкального образования; китайская музыкальная традиция; китайский пианизм как пианизм нового типа; исполнительский стиль «Вэн» (покой); исполнительский стиль «Ву» (воинственный); методические принципы китайских педагогов-музыкантов; integration of music education; Chinese music tradition; Chinese pianism as the pianism of a new type; performing style “Van” (rest); performing style “Wu” (militant); methodological principles of Chinese music teachers
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Implementation of principles of developmental education in the system of professional training of a modern teacher of music in higher school
The article deals with the principles of developmental education in the context of training of a future music teachers for professional activities. The author gives the methodological grounds for the necessity to include a problematic situationin the learning process as a means of development of the intellectual sphere and creative thinking, activation of the cognitive and creative work of students. The developmental training is considered in terms of the instrumental and performing training of future music teachers in higher school.
Key words: развивающее обучение; проблемная ситуация; творческо-преобразовательная деятельность; интеллектуальная деятельность; творческое мышление; developmental education; problem situation; creative and transformative activity; intellectual activity; creative thinking
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Development of personal and business competences of students - future teachers of technology and entrepreneurship
The article deals with the prospects, possible ways and features of formation of personal and business competences of students in the course of economic and technological training in the conditions of modernization of the Russian education. The aspects of implementation of the experimental researchaimed atfinding out the efficiency of specially organized educational work are under consideration in the article.
Key words: деловая личность; личностные качества; компетенции; предприниматель; социально-экономические условия; бизнес-проекты; опытно-экспериментальная работа; исследования; business personality; personal qualities; competences; entrepreneur; socio-economic conditions; business projects; experimental work; research
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Criteria and levels of formation of legal awareness of military personnel of Federal security service of Russia
The article deals with the criteria and levels of formation of legal consciousness of military personnel of Federal Security Service of Russia. It presentsthe information on the issues related to the formation of legal awareness of various categories of military personnel in the Russian enforcement agencies.
Key words: правосознание военнослужащих ФСО России; критерии и уровни сформированности правосознания военнослужащих ФСО России; legal awareness of FSSof Russia; criteria and levels of formation of legal awareness of FSSof Russian military personnel
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Questionnaires as a method of researchof the readiness of future teachers to form an environmental worldview in high school
The article deals with the questionnaires as a method of research of the readiness of future teachers to form the environmental worldview in high school. The variants of questionnaires are given in the article.
Key words: анкетирование; готовность будущих учителей; экологическое мировоззрение; questionnaires; readiness of future teachers; ecological worldview
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Филологические науки
System relations in the lexical and semantic group “Musical instruments” (based on the modern Russian language)
The article deals with the relations in the lexical and semantic group “Musical instruments” in the modern Russian language. It presents the results of the lexical and semantic analysis of these lexemes, which showed the presence of homonyms, but the complete absence of synonyms, antonyms, paronyms. The hyperonymic and hyponymic relations are under consideration, the prevalence of borrowed words, terms is noted.
Key words: лексико-семантическая группа (ЛСГ); лексика; музыкальный инструмент; лексема; заимствование; термин; омоним; lexical and semantic group (LSG); vocabulary; musical instrument; lexeme; loanword; term; homonym
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Some tendencies of functioning of lexical units in speech of public servants
The article deals with the language of public service, which is proved to be the model, the standard of the verbal behaviour for citizens of the Russian Federation and reflects the level of the language culture of the modern society, and therefore there is a need to study the trends of its dynamics. The result of the study revealed three interrelated fundamental linguistic processes that reflect the current state of the administrative and political discourse and determine the new verbal characteristics of public service representatives.
Key words: язык государственной службы; лексические особенности; административно-политический дискурс; официально-деловой стиль языка; неологизмы; language of public service; lexical features; administrative and political discourse; official and business linguistic style; neologisms
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Intertextual inclusions in literary texts: function of describing a character
The article deals with the functions of the intertextual inclusions; special attention is paid to the characterization function in the artistic discourse. The concepts of linguistic personality and intertextual thesaurus are under consideration. The examples of the use of the intertextual inclusions in the characterization function are given in Russian and English.
Key words: функции интертекстуальных включений; языковая личность; интертекстуальный тезаурус; образ персонажа; художественный дискурс; functions of intertextual inclusions; language personality; intertextual thesaurus; character image; artistic discourse
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Syntactic concept “mental work” and ways of its implementation in the autobiographical novel by A. Belyi “Kotik Letaev”
The article deals with the ways of syntactic implementation of the concept “mental work” in one of the chapters of A. Belyi’s autobiographical novel “Kotik Letaev”. The article reveals the basic syntactic schemes representing the thinking discourse of the character, the bases of which are the verbs of thinking, understanding, cognition, imagination, memory. The attention is focused on the specific text implementation of the five structural schemes in the aspect of the inner life of the individual as represented by the author.
Key words: концепт «мыслительная деятельность»; синтаксическая реализация; структурная схема; глагольные лексемы; сознание; память; мышление; бессознательное; способы репрезентации; concept “thinking activity”; syntactic implementation; structural scheme; verbal lexemes; consciousness; memory; thinking; unconscious; representation methods
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Gradation function of adjectives in the modern Russian language
The article deals with the gradation function of adjectives in the modern Russian language. Using various components of the synonymous series with the grading function in the text, the speaker compares and opposes the qualities, introduces the contextual synonyms into the text, refers to the forms of evaluation of adjectives and their degrees of comparison. The gradation semantics of adjectives relates to the categories of comparison, intensity and evaluation.
Key words: градуальность; градуальная семантика; градуальная функция; гранд-оттенок; имя прилагательное; синонимический ряд; интенсификация; gradualism; gradation semantics; gradation function; grand tone; adjective; synonymous series; intensification
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Phraseological units with colour components in the economic sphere of the late XX - early XXI centuries
The article deals with the new phraseological units with colour components, used mainly in the economic sphere. A significant part of phraseological units with colour components is borrowed from the English language. These language units are serial in nature. Focusing the attention on such phraseological units can help students find out Russian phraseological units in the modern mass media.
Key words: фразеологизмы; колоратив; экономика; серийный характер; заимствованные слова; phraseological units; colour; economy; serial character; loanwords
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Regional component of aphorisms in lexicographic representation (“We are Pskov”)
The article deals with the concept of the lexical representation of aphorisms taking into consideration the functioning of famous expressions in modern speech and media texts. By the example of the regionally marked expression “We are Pskov”, the author proves the potential of the structural and semantic transformations of aphorisms, their new semantic nuances, the dynamics of situational characteristics as reflected in dictionary entries.
Key words: афористика; крылатые выражения; лексикография; словарная статья; этноним; медиатекст; разговорная речь; aphorism; famous expressions; lexicography; dictionary entry; ethnonym; media text; colloquial speech
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About the dialect names of old clothes of Don Cossacks (ethnolinguistic approach)
The article deals with the dialect names of old clothes. The paradigmatic connections within the group are presented. Special attention is paid to the description of the way the old clothes, losing any practical function, get some additional symbolic functions and move into the sphere of spiritual culture.
Key words: казаки; языковая картина мира; старая одежда; вариантность; синонимия; полисемия; омонимия; Cossacks; language picture of the world; old clothes; variance; synonymy; polysemy; homonymy
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“To words you get used day by day...”
The article deals with the referential aspect of the language picture of the world (the ratio of culture and language, as well as the functions of a linguistic image). The types of metaphors (landscape, zoomorphic, phytomorphic, sociomorphic, military, metaphors of everyday life - gastronomy and clothes) are studied on the material of the Polish, Russian, English and French languages.
Key words: образ; языковая картина мира; ландшафтная; зооморфная; фитоморфная; социоморфная; военная метафора; метафора быта; image; language picture of the world; landscape; zoomorphic; phytomorphic; sociomorphic; military metaphor; metaphor of everyday life
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Current trends of euphemism and dysphemism use in the British press
The article deals with the new trends in the use of euphemisms and dysphemisms in the modern British press. There is a linguistic situation, which is characterized by a deliberate refusal to use positively connoted vocabulary, hiding or masking the true meaning of the statement. The analysis is carried out on the material of the electronic versions of the newspapers “The Guardian” and “Independent”.
Key words: эвфемизм; дисфемизм; политкорректность; мелиорация; пейорация; euphemism; dysphemism; political correctness; melioration; pejoration
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Metaphor as a means of verbalizing emotions in works by Stefan Zweig
The article deals with the means of verbalization of emotions in the fiction by Stefan Zweig, the functions of lexical units verbalizing them. Metaphor is the main means of verbalizing the feelings and emotions in the works by the Austrian writer. Among the metaphors in Stefan Zweig’s works the most frequent ones are the metaphors of fire and the anthropomorphic metaphors.
Key words: метафора; слово; эмотивный; функция; контекст; пассаж; повесть; metaphor; word; emotive; function; context; passage; story
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Phraseological image as an indicator of national and cultural specific nature of the Chinese language
The article deals with the phraseological units having a live inner form, and determines the role of the phraseological image as one of the components of the content of a phraseological unit representing the features of the national and cultural specific nature of the Chinese ethnic group. The linguistic analysis of the phraseological image reveals one of the main features of phraseological units - imagery, the representation of which is associated with the modeling of the linguistic picture of the world.
Key words: фразеологическая единица; национально-культурная специфика; фразеологический образ; языковая картина мира; phraseological unit; national and cultural specific nature; phraseological image; language picture of the world
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Lexical repetition in Chinese four-morphemic phraseological units chengyu
The article deals with the origins of phraseological units chengyu in the Chinese language, formed with by means of lexical repetition. The author analyzes the structural models of four-morphemic chengyu with contact repetition as a word forming technique and distant repetition as a compositional and stylistic device performing the expressive, emphatic, rhythmic and intonation functions.
Key words: китайская фразеология; четырехморфемные чэнъюй; лексический повтор; структурные модели; Chinese phraseology; four-morphemic chengyu; lexical repetition; structural models
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Considering the issue of improving the efficiency of teaching suffix word formation based on the method of mathematical statistics
The article deals with the key role of word formation (affixation in particular) in studying the English vocabulary. It is proved that students should master word formation regularities in order to expand their language competence. A list of the most commonly used suffixes with the use of mathematical statistics is given in the article.
Key words: английский язык; аффиксация; суффиксы; частотность; математическая статистика; the English language; affixation; suffixes; frequency; mathematical statistics
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New forms of teaching Russian as a foreign language (elementary level of education). Infographics
The article deals with the development of tasks based on infographics for foreign students of elementary level of education (additional general education program “Russian as a Foreign Language”).
Key words: русский язык как иностранный; инфографика; методика преподавания РКИ; визуализация; Russian as a foreign language; infographics; methods of teaching of Russian as a foreign language; visualization
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Anagogical meaning of the open-ended finale (from the old Russian hagiography to the stories by L.N. Tolstoy, V.T. Shalamov, G.G. Demidov)
The article deals with the process of spiritual transformation and elevation of characters (anagogy) in extraordinary situations. The comparative aspect is implemented on the material of the narrative forms with the “open-ended” finale: old Russian hagiography, stories by L.N. Tolstoy, V.T. Shalamov, G.G. Demidov. An attempt is made to expand the semantic field of literary anthropology by focusing on the anagogical component of character as a spiritual and moral dominant.
Key words: анагогия; герменевтика; личность; открытые структуры; художественная характерология; anagogy; hermeneutics; personality; open structures; artistic characterology
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Antique sculpture in prose of commoner writers (A.I. Levitov and G.I. Uspensky)
The article deals with the ideas associated with ancient sculpture in the prose of two commoner writers: A.I. Levitov and G.I. Uspensky. Bringing together the ancient imagery and Christian symbolism, the commoners sought to create the image of a man of “infinitely bright future”.
Key words: Г.И. Успенский; А.И. Левитов; разночинец; Венера Милосская; античность; G.I. Uspensky; A.I. Levitov; commoner; Venus de Milo; antiquity
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Visualizing the image of K. Prutkov in the magazine “Satiricon”
The article deals with the methods of visualization of the image of Kozma Prutkov by verbal and nonverbal means in the magazine “Satirikon”.
Key words: визуализация; «Сатирикон»; Козьма Прутков; образ; мистификация; visualization; “Satiricon”; Kozma Prutkov; image; hoax
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Cinematographic theory of D. Vertov and novel by A. Mariengof “The Cynics”: design and representation
The article deals with the parallels between the cinematographic theory of Dziga Vertov and Mariengof’s novel “The Cynics”. There are some similar features both at the level of content (similarity in the reflection of the NEP subject) and at the level of form (use of documentary inserts, the basic principles of editing techniques). Special attention is paid to the artistic part of the novel, which is considered to be a kind of drama action in accordance with Vertov’s ideas.
Key words: Вертов; монтаж; категория времени; Мариенгоф; абсурд; кино-глаз; Vertov; editing; category of time; Mariengof; absurd; cinema eye
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Bodily code in early lyrics by V. Narbut
The article deals with the basic principles of world modelling, “body centrism”, the features of physical images and details performing the phenomenological, world modelling, psychological and symbolic mythological function in the early lyrics by V. Narbut in the concept of the poetics of Acmeism.
Key words: поэтика; телоцентричность; акмеизм (адамизм); феноменология; телесность; соматизм; poetics; body centrism; acmeism (adamism); phenomenology; corporeality; somatism
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Исторические науки и археология
To the issue of the date of foundation of the Kizlyar fortress in the XVIII century
Based on the new archival data, the article deals with the history of the Kizlyar fortress in the XVIII century, analyzes the facts allowing the supposition that as the place for fortress construction chosen by General V.Y. Levashov there was a tract where there used to be an old fortress. There are some versions concerning the first residents of old Kizlyar. The origin of the name “Kizlyar” and various versions and legends are under consideration in the article.
Key words: крепость; Левашов; Кизляр; река; казаки; перевоз; городок; fortress; Levashov; Kizlyar; river; Cossacks; transportation; town
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State border protection on the Black Sea coast of the North Caucasus after the Crimean War and preconditions of border guarding
After the Crimean War on the Black Sea coast of the North Caucasus there was restored the cordon guard, which protected the sea and land state border. Throughout the second half of the XIX century Russia took all possible measures to strengthen the protection of the state border on the black sea coast, but this was not enough. Thus, it raised the issue of the Caucasus military border guarding.
Key words: Черноморское побережье Северного Кавказа; контрабанда; карантинно-таможенный округ; пограничная стража; казаки; государственная граница; Black Sea coast of the North Caucasus; smuggling; quarantine and customs district; border guards; Cossacks; state border
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Establishment and development of the oil industry in the Terek region in the late XIX - early XX centuries
The article deals with the establishment and development of the oil industry on the Grozny oil fields. The attention is paid to the organizational role of I.A. Akhverdov who made outstanding contributions to the technical development of oil production in Priterechye. The author notes the dominance of Moscow, St. Petersburg and foreign capital in the oil industry. The article gives the information about the rapid growth of oil production in the Grozny region.
Key words: Терская область; нефтяная промышленность; Грозный; Ахвердов; Владикавказская железная дорога; капитал; Terek region; oil industry; Grozny; Akhverdov; Vladikavkaz railway; capital
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Officers and manpower of the 1 Canadian division during the First World War
The article presents a logical continuation of the work devoted to the study of the process of mobilization of the first Canadian volunteer contingent for participation in the First World War. The officers and manpower of the 1 Canadian division by their origin, social and professional status, as well as the medical criteria are under consideration in the article.
Key words: история Канады; Первая мировая война; 1-я Канадская дивизия; добровольцы; Canadian history; First World War; the 1 Canadian division; volunteers
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The Great Russian revolution in school history textbooks
The article deals with the phenomenon of the Great Russian revolution. It presents the analysis of Russian textbooks in history, the approaches to the coverage of events of 1917 in Russia from the point of selection of the historical content and its methodological maintenance.
Key words: Великая российская революция; ценности; Первая мировая война; Временное правительство; большевики; учебник; the Great Russian revolution; values; the First World War; Provisional Government; Bolsheviks; textbook
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Letters, memoranda and references in the funds of regional and local authorities of the Communist party as a source on the history of prisoners of war and internment camps of the NKVD (Ministry of Internal Affairs) of the USSR (by the example of the State archives of the Kemerovo region)
The article deals with the letters, memoranda and references in the funds of regional and local authorities of the CPSU as a source on the history of the camps of prisoners of war and internees of NKVD (Ministry of Internal Affairs) of the USSR. Based on the material of the funds of the State archives of the Kemerovo region, the movement of this documentation, its types, the nature of the information it contains and the role of regional and local authorities of the party in the regulation of camp work are under consideration in the article.
Key words: военнопленные; интернированные; лагеря военнопленных и интернированных; переписка; докладные записки; справки; фонды органов КПСС; Государственный архив Кемеровской области; Кемеровская область; prisoners of war; internees; camps of prisoners of war and internees; correspondence; report notes; references; funds of CPSU authorities; State archive of Kemerovo region; Kemerovo region
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Sectoral structure and location of Dagestan industry in the 1980s
Based on archival materials and statistical data, the article deals with the change in geographical location and sectoral structure of Dagestan industry in the 1980s. The positive changes and challenges in this area are noted. Despite serious unresolved problems, the industry of the region continued to develop in the analyzed decade.
Key words: республика; промышленность; индустрия; промышленное строительство; техническое перевооружение; эффективность производства; капитальные вложения; republic; industry; industrial building; technical equipment; production efficiency; capital investments
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Alexandria theological school in the middle of III - the end of IV century (Heraclas, Dionysius, Peter, Didymus)
The article deals with the evolution of the views of the leaders of the Alexandria theological school in the middle of the III - beginning of the V century. The succession of the intellectual and theological traditions of school from Heraclas of Alexandria to Didymus the Blind is described in the framework of the analysis of the life and literary work of these outstanding intellectuals.
Key words: Александрийская школа; Иракл Александрийский; Дионисий Великий; Петр Александрийский; Дидим Слепец; Alexandria school; Heraclas of Alexandria; Dionysius the Great; Peter of Alexandria; Didymus the Blind
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Хроника. Рецензии
Современная топонимия Калмыкии (рецензия на книгу: Топонимический словарь Республики Калмыкия. Элиста: ЗАОр «НПП «Джангар», 2017. 272 с.)
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ЮБИЛЕЙ УЧЕНОГО К 70-летию профессора кафедры литературы и методики ее преподавания Волгоградского государственного социально-педагогического университета Аркадия Хаимовича Гольденберга
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