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«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)

«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)
e-mail:izvestia_vspu@mail.ru, izvestia@vspu.ru ),
phone (8442) 60-28-86

№2 (77) 2013
2013 г.
Holistic education process
Do we need a “fully developed personality” as the goal of education in the Russian post-industrial society?
There is substantiated the social value of a fully developed personality as the educational goal in the post-in dustrial period in the conditions of qualitative social and economic transformation of Russian society.
Key words: всесторонность; гармоничность; единство; интеграция; личность; модернизация образования; парадигма; уровень; depth; harmony; unity; integration; personality; modernization of education; paradigm; level
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Philosophy and Methodology of Education
Education as a geopolitical resource in the Barents Euro-Arctic region
There is considered the issue of interrelations between education and geopolitics; education is interpreted as a strong geopolitical resource in the Barents Euro-Arctic region. There is analyzed the system of higher education in the countries of the region, as well as the best experiences of the Arctic University.
Key words: геополитика; геополитический ресурс; интернационализация высшего образования; Болонский процесс; культурная идентичность; geopolitics; geopolitical resource; internationalization of higher education; the Bologna process; culture identity
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Personal values and their transformation
There is covered the issue of values. There is analyzed the nature, the structure of subjective system of values and their formation mechanisms. There are traced the peculiarities of the system of values in psychological space.
Key words: ценности; трансформация сознания; культурно-исторические детерминанты ценностных ориентаций; социализация; интериоризация; семантические пространства ценностных ориентаций; values; transformation of consciousness; cultural and historical determinants of value orientations; socialization; interiorization; semantic spaces of value orientations
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Continuing professional education
Model of development of future teachers’ communicative culture in the educational space of a higher school
There is covered the urgent issue of future teachers’ communicative culture development. There are given the results of investigation of the communicative culture level of pedagogical higher school students, suggested the author’s model of future teachers’ communicative culture development in the educational space of a higher school.
Key words: гуманизация; коммуникативная культура; психологические условия; модель развития коммуникативной культуры; humanization; communicative culture; psychological conditions; model of communicative culture development
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Pedagogical optimism as teacher’s professional and personal quality
There is considered the pedagogical optimism as a professional and personal quality in the context of professional and moral improvement, pedagogical culture and skills of creating the situation of success.
Key words: педагогический оптимизм; педагогическая культура; ситуация успеха; успех; оценка результата; pedagogical optimism; pedagogical culture; situation of success; success; evaluation of result
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Essential characteristics of creative competence of future choreography teachers at a higher school
There are described the essential characteristics of creative competence of future choreography teachers in the course of professional training at a higher school through the didactic, educational, social, gender, creative (integrative) functions.
Key words: творческая компетентность; хореография; профессиональная подготовка в вузах искусств и культуры; педагог-хореограф; creative competence; choreography; professional training at higher schools of arts and culture; choreography teachers
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Learning and methodological support of implementation of the basic educational programmes in the conditions of informational and educational environment of a higher school
There are regarded the peculiarities of learning and methodological support in the conditions of informational and educational environment for effective organization and functioning of the modern educational process at a higher school.
Key words: учебно-методическое обеспечение; информационно-образовательная среда; теория и методика профессионального обучения; learning and methodological support; informational and educational environment; theory and methodology of professional education
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Analytical skills of future teachers: essential characteristics
From the positions of humanitarian and holistic approach there are considered such characteristics of analytical skills of future teachers as their systemic nature, connection with theoretical knowledge and with teacher’s attitude to professional work, orientation at the integral situation of pedagogic collaboration.
Key words: компетенция; умение; аналитические умения; педагогическая ситуация; competence; skill; analytical skills; pedagogic situation
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Training of future social teachers for working with gifted children in the system of secondary professional education
There is suggested the model, concretized the condi tions and directions of future social teachers training for working with gifted children in the system of secondary professional education; specified the definition of professional and personal readiness of future social teachers for working with gifted children.
Key words: одаренные дети; модель подготовки; профессионально-личностная готовность; gifted children; training model; professional and personal readiness
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Innovation in general and vocational education
Formation of general scientific competence of students in the process of organization of research work at a higher school
There is described the organization of students’ research work oriented at formation of general scientific competence. There is found out the essence of general scientific competence, levels of its development and corresponding types of independent work.
Key words: общенаучная компетентность; научно-исследовательская деятельность; вуз; general scientific competence; research work; higher school
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Information flow in physical education of colleges students
There is considered the management system based on monitoring as one of the main elements to track the success of the educational process in physical education in colleges.
Key words: мониторинг; проблемы физического воспитания; информационный поток; колледжи; monitoring; issues of physical education; information flow; colleges
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Significance of interdisciplinary nature in ecological and economic training of technical higher school students
There is covered the issue of revision of the existing experience of professional education that includes the necessity of training specialists with both professional knowledge and the knowledge of correct attitude to nature.
Key words: междисциплинарность; экологоэкономическая подготовка; мультидисциплинарность; плюрадисциплинарность; интердисциплинарность; interdisciplinary nature; ecological and economic training; multidisciplinary nature; pluridisciplinary nature; interdisciplinary nature
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Intensification of the learning process in educational institutions as the reason for disharmonious physical development of students
There is considered the negative influence of unstandardized learning load in educational institutions on somatic health of young generation. There are suggested the optimal ways of solving the problem and compensation by means of physical education.
Key words: интенсификация учебного процесса; физическое развитие; физическая подготовка; здоровьесберегающая среда; intensification of learning process; physical development; physical training; health caring environment
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Social and political activity of students
There is analyzed the civil activity of students of a pedagogical higher school; considered the political interests of young people; marked the social movements and modern policies popular among the youth; found out the efficiency of students’ self-government organization, inclusion of the youth into social experiences.
Key words: студент; молодежь; политика; общественные движения; выборы; самоуправление; волонтеры; student; the youth; politics; social movements; elections; self-government; volunteers
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Organizational and methodological support of correction work of mass secondary school
There is suggested the author’s approach to development of the programmes of correction work of secondary institution in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of primary education and methodological recommendations of its implementation.
Key words: программа коррекционной деятельности; ребенок с ограниченными возможностями здоровья; принципы коррекционно-развивающей работы; programme of correction work; child with limited health abilities; principles of correcting developing work
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Education and further education
Formation of gender culture of primary school pupils by means of choreography
There are found out the principles of formation of gender culture of primary school pupils by means of choreography in a secondary school.
Key words: гендерная культура; младшие школьники; средства хореографии; принципы; gender culture; primary school pupils; means of choreography; principles
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Procedural characteristics of formation of senior pupils’ attitude to labour as a moral value
There are sorted out the stages of constructing the model of formation senior pupils’ attitude to labour as a moral value in the context of integral and axiological approaches. There is substantiated the psychological basis of modeling the process, as well as found out the system of formation means of the personal phenomenon.
Key words: труд; нравственная ценность; личностно значимые педагогические ситуации; этико-смысловые задачи; labour; moral value; personally significant pedagogical situations; ethic and sense tasks
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Pedagogic conditions of socialization of students of primary music education in the system “family – school”
There are considered the pedagogic conditions of socialization of students of primary music education in the system “family – school”. Special attention is paid to interdependence of components that form valuation notion of world-view system on the basis of the transforming potential of music art favouring future successful socialization of a primary school pupil in the modern society.
Key words: педагогические условия; социализация обучающихся; семья; школа; музыкальное образование; pedagogic conditions; socialization of pupils; family; school; music education
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Theory and a training and education
Communicative work is the basis of future specialist’s communicative competence formation
Communicative competence of a future specialist is regarded as the sum of personal qualities necessary for successful communicative work, i.e. for perceptive communicative and communicative operational actions.
Key words: коммуникативная компетентность; коммуникативная деятельность; подготовка специалиста; структура личности; communicative competence; communicative work; training of a specialist; personality structure
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Communication technologies as the means of pupils’ communicative competence formation in the process of school literary education
There is considered the potential of communicative technologies in the process of prolonged discussions and Internet-debates aimed at communicative competence formation in the process of school literary education.
Key words: коммуникационные технологии; литературное образование; пролонгированные дискуссии; интернет-дебаты; communicative technologies; literary education; prolonged discussions; Internet-debates
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Role of subject and figurative visual aids in overcoming difficulties of foreign language statements of primary school pupils
There is considered the foreign language communication as the goal of foreign language teaching. There are noted the difficulties of verbal statement, revealed the notion of subject and figurative visual aids and its role in overcoming difficulties in communication.
Key words: иноязычное общение; младшие школьники; трудности порождения речевого высказывания; предметно-образная наглядность; foreign language communication; primary school pupils; difficulties of verbal statement; subject and figurative visual aids
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Compensatory competence as the target dominant of foreign language profession-oriented education of senior pupils
There is characterized the essence of compensatory competence and its significance in the conditions of profession-oriented non-philological education. There is substantiated that formation of this competence can fill in lexical and grammar lacunas in foreign communication of senior pupils.
Key words: компенсаторная компетенция; компетентностный подход; профильно-ориентированное обучение; нефилологический профиль; compensatory competence; competence approach; profession-oriented education; non-philological type
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Multilevel text structure as the model of its integral perception and analysis
Here is described the model of integral analysis of a fiction text based on specificity of its perception and the principles of structural semiotic and phenomenological methods.
Key words: анализ; текст; произведение; структура; знак; образ; архитектоника; analysis; text; work; structure; sign; image; architectonics
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Formation of technological culture of a bachelor of specialization “Power Industry and Electrical Engineering” by means of linguistic education
There is characterized the notion and the structure of technological culture defined as the integral sign of formation of different competences of a technical specialist. There are sorted out the components of technological culture by means of linguistic education.
Key words: технологическая культура; компоненты технологической культуры; компетенции; иноязычная подготовка; technological culture; components of technological culture; competences; foreign language training
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Multimedia and Internet technologies for development of educational e-resources of interactive whiteboard in the process of teaching informatics
There are considered the issues and perspectives of development of the existing approaches to elaboration and use of educational e-resources for interactive whiteboard. There is described the experience of training future teachers of informatics to development of educational resources for interactive whiteboard.
Key words: обучение информатике; интерактивная доска; электронные образовательные ресурсы; мультимедийные технологии; интернетпортал; сервисы Веб 2.0; teaching informatics; interactive whiteboard; educational e-resources; multimedia technologies; Internet-portal; services Web 2.0
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Theoretical and methodological peculiarities of studying urban landscape in the course of school geography on the basis of cultural and ecological approach
There is described the implementation of cultural and ecological approach in studying urban landscape in the course of school geography. There are revealed the peculiarities of the author’s conception of the methodological system of studying urban landscape including the category “ecological culture” into the target, substantial, procedural, resultant and valuation components.
Key words: культурно-экологический подход; устойчивое развитие; экологическая культура; ландшафт; городской ландшафт; cultural and ecological approach; steady development; ecological culture; landscape; urban landscape
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Model of methodological system of professionally oriented mathematical training of economists at a higher school
There are considered the peculiarities of projecting the model of mathematical training of economists at a higher school from the positions of professional orientation of education. There is suggested the model of methodological system of professionally oriented mathematical training in the sphere of economics.
Key words: математическая компетентность экономистов; профессиональная направленность математической подготовки; модель методической системы профессионально направленной математической подготовки; mathematic competence of economists; professional orientation of mathematical training; model of methodological system of professionally oriented mathematical training
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Peculiarities of the Russian language methodology in the 1920s
There are analyzed the peculiarities of establishment and development of the Russian language methodology in the 1920s. There is shown that during the changes in social and political system and social and cultural conditions in Russia the bases of educational system were actively and directly changed, new norms were introduced including the Russian language methodology.
Key words: бинарность; парадигма эксперимента; норма; вариативность; новаторство; binarity; paradigm of experiment; norm; variation; innovation
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Историко-педагогические и сравнительно-педагогические исследования проблем образования
Modern school in the transition society of Serbia
There is considered the potential and issues of modernization of education in Serbia in the second decade of the XXI century. There are discussed some possible outcomes of the process of modernization of education in the conditions of unfavourable social context.
Key words: образование; модернизация; традиционализм; Сербия; education; modernization; traditionalism; Serbia
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System analysis of basic ideas of preventive policy in relation to infants with deviant behavior in Russia in the first third of the XX century
There is covered the issue of investigation of the basic ideas of preventive policy and its practice in relation to infants with deviant behavior in Russia in the first third of the XX century. There is carried out the brief com parative analysis of the main conceptions and the ideas of prevention of deviant behavior of infants in Russia in the first third of the XX century.
Key words: превентивная политика; несовершеннолетний; девиантность; preventive policy; infant; deviance
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Development of values of motherly education: retrospective analysis
There is suggested the retrospective pedagogic analysis of development of values of motherly education through philosophic, religious and ideological, social and psychological and pedagogical aspects.
Key words: материнство; ценности материнского воспитания; ретроспективный анализ; аспекты развития ценностей материнского воспитания; maternity; values of motherly education; retrospective analysis; aspects of development of values of motherly education
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Psychological problems of modern education
Psychological peculiarities of development of a language personality at a non-linguistic higher school (based on the French language)
There is regarded the analysis of empiric research of development of a language personality at the pragmatic level, given the comparative characteristics of qualitative and quantitative changes of individual and psychological components of a language personality of students in the process of traditional foreign language teaching and as a result of inclusion of students into the situation of dramatized work in a foreign language as one of the forms of team productive collaboration.
Key words: языковая личность; вторичная языковая личность; прагматический уровень развития; совместная продуктивная и творческая деятельность; продуктивное взаимодействие; language personality; secondary language personality; pragmatic level of development; team productive and creative work; productive collaboration
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Research of self-assessment of foreign students of Kabardino-Balkaria State University as the factor that influences the development of their communicative competence
There is considered the influence of self-assessment of foreign students of Kabardino-Balkaria State University on the development of their communicative competence. There are found out the levels of self-assessment of foreign students that favour or prevent from development of their communicative competence.
Key words: адаптация; интернационализация; коммуникативная компетентность; самооценка; уровни самооценки; adaptation; internationalization; communicative competence; self-assessment; levels of self-assessment
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Research of interconnection of sociocultural identity and indicators of self-actualization potential of students as the characteristics of life self-realization
There are given the results of the empiric research of the character of sociocultural identity and indicators of self-actualization potential. There is described the true interconnection of the components of the self-actualization potential that depend on the indicators of sociocultural identity of students of a small town and a megalopolis.
Key words: социокультурная идентичность; самоактуализационный потенциал; жизненное самоосуществление человека; малый город; мегаполис; sociocultural identity; self-actualization potential; life self-realization; small town; megalopolis
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Academic Life. Reviews
Наука или коммерция? Можно ли оценивать труд ученого как рыночный продукт? Рецензия на диссертацию: Паштаев Б.Д. Теоретические основы подготовки преподавателя современного вуза к инновационно-коммерческой деятельности : дис. … д-ра пед. наук / Дагест. гос. пед. ун-т. Ставрополь, 2013.
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Проблемы и перспективы историко-педагогического образования в современной России
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Воспитание человека культуры: через прошлое в будущее (к 50-летию молодежного археологического клуба «Легенда»)
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