Архив журнала


«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)

«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)
e-mail:izvestia_vspu@mail.ru, izvestia@vspu.ru ),
phone (8442) 60-28-86

Куликова Светлана Вячеславовна
Волгоградский государственный социально-педагогический университет
д-р пед. наук, проф. каф. педагогики Волгогр. гос. соц.-пед. ун-та.
E-mail svetlana_kulikova@rambler.ru

List of publications: (14)
Integrity of training practices that form national identity of Russian youth
The article deals with the issue of scientific justification and application of educational practices which could be an effective mechanism to form national identity and civic consciousness of the Russian youth. The author finds out and characterizes the factors that affect the solution to this problem: appeal to historical educational experience, orientation of state policy on the improvement of national consciousness and giving back the leadership role of upbringingto the educational process. The subject of historical and pedagogical analysis is the educational means that have been used for a long time: projectmethods, drama performances, children’s self-management, museum work, volunteering.
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Sociocultural nihilism in education
The article covers the issue of sociocultural nihilism in education that is displayed in the refusal of the positive historical and pedagogical experience and automatic borrowing of foreign innovations. The sociocultural approach is regarded as the research instrument that reveals the most efficient educational models and systems.
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Sources and origins of the humanistic tradition of family education in Russia and in China
There are analyzed the sources of the ancient Chinese and Russian history, the folklore that reveals the humanistic essence of family education, reference to traditions and basic values. There is revealed and characterized the educational ideal of a family, the folklore and the nature of the native land in the Ancient China and Russia that is the basis for the humanistic tradition of family education.
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Research of ideological foundations of Russian education: history and modern times
There are suggested the basic lines in research of the ideological foundations of the Russian education: definition analysis of the categories “ideologization of education” and “ideology of education”. There is examined the state of the domestic education as the object of ideology influence and determined the prerequisites, marked out, characterized and described the process of implementation of ideological educational concepts in the pre-revolutionary period.
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Basic directions of historic and pedagogic researches in the Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University
There are actualized the historic and pedagogic researches and characterized the modern stage of development of historic and pedagogic knowledge in Russia. There are marked out the basic directions of historic and pedagogic researches and characterized the scientific and pedagogic school of historians of pedagogy in the Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University.
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Establishment of school amateur theatre in Russia as the issue of historical and pedagogic approach
There is substantiated the urgency of history study of the issue of school amateur theatres establishment in Russia as the educational means. There is analyzed the pre-revolutionary stage of establishment and development of school theatre pedagogy in Russia. As the illustration there is described the historical experience of such pedagogues as N.N. Bakhtin, N.F. Bunakov, I.I. Betskoy, N.A. Rachinsky.
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Взаимодействие центра и регионов в исследованиях актуальных проблем образования
Круглый стол выездного заседания бюро Отделения философии образования и теоретической педагогики Российской академии образовани.
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Модернизация российского и зарубежного образования в XVIII - начале XXI в.: материалы сессии Научного совета по проблемам истории образования и педагогической науки РАО
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Axiology approach to studying the phenomenon “national self-consciousness” in the domestic history of pedagogy
The axiology approach is regarded as one of the basic methodological instruments used by domestic pedagogy historians for studying the phenomenon “national self-consciousness”. Family, traditions of national pedagogy, spirituality, nature and folklore are proposed as the basic values if education I oriented at formation of national self-consciousness of young people.
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Development of national self-consciousness of the Russians at a parish school
There are described the peculiarities of development of national self-consciousness of the Russians at a parish school that implement public and religious and pedagogic conceptions of national education in pre-revolutionary Russia: considered the phenomenon of a parish school of S.A. Radchinsky in the village Tatev as the example of an innovational educational institution of a humanistic type.
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Проблемы и перспективы историко-педагогического образования в современной России
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Humanistic orientation of the Russian school (second half of the XIX - beginning of the XX century)
There are analyzed the processes of establishment and development of the humanistic paradigm in the pedagogical thinking of Russia in the second half of the XIX - beginning of the XX century. As the fundamentals of the Russian school there are determined the humanistic conceptions of K.D. Ushinsky, S.A. Rachinsky, L.N. Tolstoi, K.N. Ventsel, P.F. Lesgaft.
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Establishment and development of national education in Russia: historical and theoretical aspect
There are given the historical and theoretical grounds for investigation of the process of establishment and development of national education in Russia; suggested the model of national educational structure as a methodological prism of historical and pedagogic research of the given phenomenon. There are shown the areas of realization of the suggested model in educational experience.
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Коллективный взгляд на проблемы школы и педагогики за рубежом (Рецензия на коллективную монографию: Проблемы школы и педагогики за рубежом / под ред. Н.Е. Воробьева, И.С. Бессарабовой. Волгоград : Изд-во ВГПУ «Перемена», 2011. 219 с.)
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