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«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)

«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)
e-mail:izvestia_vspu@mail.ru, izvestia@vspu.ru ),
phone (8442) 60-28-86

Красавский Николай Алексеевич
Волгоградский государственный социально-педагогический университет
д-р филол. наук, проф. каф. нем. филологии Волгогр. гос. соц.-пед. ун-та.
E-mail nkrasawski@yandex.ru

List of publications: (22)
Metaphor as a means of verbalizing emotions in works by Stefan Zweig
The article deals with the means of verbalization of emotions in the fiction by Stefan Zweig, the functions of lexical units verbalizing them. Metaphor is the main means of verbalizing the feelings and emotions in the works by the Austrian writer. Among the metaphors in Stefan Zweig’s works the most frequent ones are the metaphors of fire and the anthropomorphic metaphors.
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Key concepts of “fear” and “guilt” in the novel by Herman Hesse “Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair’s Youth”
The article deals with the concepts of “fear” and “guilt” related to the key concepts of the novel by German and Swiss writer Hermann Hesse “Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair’s Youth”. Frequent use of nominants and explicants of these concepts is conditioned by the author’s communicative intention - to show the difficult path of human socialization in childhood and adolescence.
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Concept of “ruthlessness” in the novel by Robert Musil “The Confusions of Young Torless”
Ruthlessness is one of the key concepts of the novel of an Austrian writer Robert Musil “The Confusions of Young Torless”. The basic way of verbalization of this concept is expression. The means of symbols in the work of the Austrian writer are the following words: tierisch, roh, grausam, wild, Grausamkeit, brutal, viehisch, Rohheit, Gewalt, gewaltig, gewaltsam . The concept in its verbal form in the novel by R. Musil is often combined in a number of contexts with its expression.
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Эмотивная лингвоэкология: состояние и перспективы развития (рецензия на монографию: Шаховский В.И. Диссонанс экологичности в коммуникативном круге: человек, язык, эмоции. Волгоград: ИП Поликарпов, 2016. 504 с.)
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Concept sphere of the novel “The Judgement” by Franz Kafka
Based on the novel “The Judgement” by an Austrian writer of the XX century Franz Kafka, the article reveals and describes with the key concepts. They are cruelty , accusation , sympathy and care . These concepts in the novel are not denoted by the corresponding lexemes but expressed by other linguistic devices. Frequent explication of the concepts is specific in the author’s individual style. The symbols characterizing the novel’s characters are determined; they are a wall, a closed window, a blanket, a backroom.
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Concept sphere of the novel“The Miracles of Life” byStefan Zweig
Based on the novel by an Austrian writer of the first half of the XX century Stefan Zweig “The Miracles of Life”,the article deals with the basic concepts - fear, love and despair. The associative, perception and figurative signs of these concepts are determined. The linguistic devices of the concepts “fear”, “love” and “despair” are found out.
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The key concepts of the story by an Austrian writer Stefan Zweig “The Star above the Forest” are love, despair and loneliness. These concepts are verbalized in this story by expressing and more rarely by notion. The concepts “love”, “despair” and “loneliness” are implemented in the lexemes “Liebe, verzweifeln, einsam“ and their derivatives. In the concept sphere of the story a special role is given to a metaphor as the way of artistic explication of the concepts.
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Metaphor as the way of speech implementation of the concept “fear” in the story by Stefan Zweig “Fear”
The basic means to denote the concept “fear” in the story by Stefan Zweig “Fear” are the following words: “die Angst“, “das Grauen“, “das Erschrecken“. In this story the anthropomorphic verbal metaphor serves as the main means to express the individual author’s concept “fear”. The perceptive figurative signs of this concept are “heart beats”, “heart pricks”, “body shiver”, “frozen knees and hands”, “speechless tongue”, “whirlwind”, “swirl”, “head down”, “grip”, “hammer strikes”, “nerves quivering as strings”, “flame”.
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Emotional concept “shame” in the novel by Robert Musil “The Confusions of Young Torless”
There is proved that one of the basic emotional concepts in the novel “The Confusions of Young Torless” by an Austrian writer of the XX century Robert Musil is shame, and the main method of its verbalization is designation. There is considered the lexeme “Scham” and its derivatives “sich schämen”, “Beschämung” that are the core in the system of designation of this notion. There is shown that the associative field of the concept “shame” in the novel includes the words “red”, “to redden”, “blushing”, “darkness”, “fear”, “naked”, “uneasy”, “concealed”.
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Рецензия на монографию А.В. Олянича, Ю.В. Реймер «Лингвосемиотика вакхического дискурса: немецко-русские параллели» (Волгоград: Волгогр. ГАУ, 2013. 180 с.)
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Рецензия на монографию С.Г. Воркачева «Singularia tantum: идеологема “народ” в русской лингвокультуре» (Волгоград: «Парадигма», 2013. 254 с.)
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Biomorphic metaphor as the way of explication of emotions in the German and Russian fiction
Based on the German and Russian fiction there is given the linguocultural characterization of the concepts of emotions expressed by such types of biomorphic metaphor as anthropomorphic, zoomorphic and floristic ones. There is stated that the anthropomorphic metaphor is the most productive. A high frequency usage index of the verb-like anthropomorphic and zoomorphic metaphors has been revealed.
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Рецензия на монографию С.Г. Воркачева «Anglica selecta: избранные работы по лингвоконцептологии» (Волгоград : Парадигма, 2012. 205 с.)
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Рецензия на книгу: Олянич А.В., Устинова Е.В. Цитата как вербальный инструмент манипуляции в политическом дискурсе США : моногр. Волгоград :Волгогр. ГАУ, 2012. 168 с
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РЕЦЕНЗИЯ на монографи ю О.В. Федосо вой «Лексико - праг матические осо бенности испанского обиходного дискурса в на ционально - культурно м аспекте » (Волгоград : Изд-во ВГСПУ «Перемена», 2011. 336 с.)
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Emotional concept loneliness in the axiological dimension
There is discussed the issue of value and perceptive and figurative characteristics of the emotional concept loneliness in the language world picture. There is reveled the axiological status of the given concept in the collective and individual world pictures.
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Concepts spirit and soul in the story by Hermann Hesse Siddhartha
There is discussed the issue of the authors interpretation of a socially important phenomena for a Swiss German writer Hermann Hesse - spirit and soul, which appear as moral instruments regulating the behaviour of a reflecting personality. The interpretative analysis of the story by Hermann Hesse Siddhartha reveals the figurative and value components of the concepts spirit and soul in the structured axiological world picture of the writer.
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Рецензия на книгу: Человек в коммуникации: мотивы, стратегии и тактики : кол. моногр. - Волгоград : Изд-во ВГПУ «Перемена», 2010. - 199 с.
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Nominations of emotions and nominations of colour in fiction texts
Based on the materials of Russian and German fiction texts there is discussed the issue of combinatory power of nominations of emotions and colourlexemes. There are revealed their compatible possibilities and ethnic cultural specificity in the Russian and German languages.
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Рецензия на монографию С.Г. ВоркачЁва «Правды ищи: идея справедливости в русской лингвокультуре». (Волгоград : Парадигма, 2009. 190 с.)
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The Russian linguistic and cultural concept joy (in dictionary entries and associative dictionary)
Based on the materials from dictionary entries and associative dictionary there is regarded the description of the concept joy in Russian linguistic culture. There are revealed the associative, figurative and value characteristics of this concept, as well as its ethnic cultural specificity in Russian linguistic culture.
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Рецензия на монографию В.И. Ш аховского «Лингвистическая теория эмоций» (М., 2008. 416 с.)
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