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«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)

«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)
e-mail:izvestia_vspu@mail.ru, izvestia@vspu.ru ),
phone (8442) 60-28-86

№4 (99) 2015
2015 г.
Care in pedagogy: critical notes
The idea of care in pedagogy has a centuries-old history. Its modifications reflect the changes that are happening in the pedagogic reality. The notion of “care” corresponds to the notions “education”, “self-education”, “dialogue”, and is represented as the paradigm of the modern pedagogy.
Key words: paradigm of education; giving the knowledge; self-education; pedagogic care; парадигма воспитания; передача знания; самообразование; педагогическая забота
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Teaching as care for self
The theme of care for self is represented as one of the themes in which the modern pedagogy achieves its deep theoretical basis. There is determined the phenomenological notion of “care for self” as a special specific model of education and upbringing based on empathy and reflection.
Key words: забота о себе; итальянская педагогика; преподавание; эмпатия; ментализация; care for self; Italian pedagogy; teaching; empathy; mentality
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The teacher’s gift of sacrifice as the art of the self
The peculiarity of teacher’s work is considered in the light of sacrifice theme in teacher’s work, comprehension of his or her role in a pupil’s life. There is defined the notion “care for self” as regarded to teacher’s own work.
Key words: педагогическая деятельность; педагогическая профессия; труд учителя; самопожертвование учителя; забота о себе; pedagogic work; pedagogic profession; teacher’s work; teacher’s sacrifice; care for self
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A teacher’s gift of sacrifice: how can we give it?
The article is the remark to the article by Darryl M. De Marzio published in this journal. The peculiarity of teacher’s work is connected with the pedagogic ideal stated by Socrates. Reconsideration of the ideal of care for pupils is possible in various directions.
Key words: педагогическая деятельность; педагогическая профессия; дар учителя; миссия учителя; забота о себе; pedagogic work; pedagogic profession; teacher’s gift; teacher’s mission; care for self
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Debatable questions of history of children’s homelessness in Russia in the 1920-1930s
There is covered the urgent issue - debatable questions of history of children’s homelessness in Russia in the 1920-1930s. There is thoroughly analyzed the Soviet, emigrant and post-Soviet literature regarding the reasons for children’s homelessness in the period of establishment of the Soviet government. There is stated the importance of the balanced approach to study of overcoming of the mass children’s homelessness in the 1920-1930s. There is described the author’s view on the reasons for development of this social problem in the USSR.
Key words: детская беспризорность; дети-сироты; детство; благотворительность; педагогика; children’s homelessness; orphans; childhood; charity; pedagogy
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Model of development of creative style of pupils’ artistic and aesthetic work in the conditions of educational process
There is substantiated the model of formation of the creative style of pupils’ artistic and aesthetic work in the educational process conditions. The model consists of the interconnected components: target, contents, process and artistic, criteria and assessment. The result of the model implementation is improvement of the level of creative style in the artistic and aesthetic work.
Key words: творческий стиль художест-венно-эстетической деятельности; модель формирования творческого стиля художест-венно-эстетической деятельности; creative style of artistic and aesthetic work; model of formation of the creative style of artistic and aesthetic work
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Involving students in the development programme of an educational institution (by the example of the Arkhangelsk Pedagogical College)
There is suggested the experience description regarding the development programme of an educational institution (by the example of the Arkhangelsk Pedagogical College). The article covers the issues of the theory and working out the development programme of a professional organization.
Key words: программа развития; управление по воспитательной работе и социальной защите; обучающиеся; development programme; department of educational work and social protection; students
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Levels of development of senior pupils’ law culture
There are marked out the criteria of development of senior pupils’ law culture, represented their characteristics. There are described the levels peculiarities of senior pupils’ law culture.
Key words: правовая культура личности; критерий правовой культуры личности; уровень правовой культуры старшеклассника; law culture of a personality; criterion of personality’s law culture; level of senior pupil’s law culture
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Pedagogic conditions of introduction of pupils to the traditions of Don Cossacks culture
There are marked out the primary conditions of children’s additional education which are necessary for introduction of pupils to the traditions of Cossacks culture. The article is targeted at researching teachers and the teachers who practice at educational institutions of different levels.
Key words: дополнительное образование; педагогические условия; традиции культуры донских казаков; additional education; pedagogic conditions; traditions of Don Cossacks culture
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Potential of social networks and Internet resources in study of the Russian classic literature
There is considered the use of such information technologies as social networks and free Internet resources in study of the works of the Russian classic literature, shown the potential of such technologies at literature lessons by particular examples.
Key words: информационные технологии; социальные сети; интернет-ресурсы; русская классическая литература; information technologies; social networks; Internet resources; Russian classic literature
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Innovation approach to organization of scientific and methodological work with teachers: management aspect
There is considered the potential of the new information and computer technologies for management of scientific and methodological work. There are described the mobile web-applications that may be used for organization of both individual and group work, in classroom and as teachers’ independent work. There are given the examples of the use of information and computer technologies for organization of permanent education in the system of postgraduate education.
Key words: ИКТ; научно-методическая работа; веб-квесты; кластеры; электронный учебник; information and computer technologies; scientific and methodological work; web-quests; clusters; electronic textbook
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System of means of the technological culture development of future technology and entrepreneurship teachers
There are considered the choice and organization principles of the system of pedagogical means of development of the technological culture of future technology and entrepreneurship teachers. There is shown the influence of the system of means on formation of future technology and entrepreneurship teachers’ personal qualities.
Key words: деловые игры; кейс-метод; метод проектов; принципы необходимости; оптимальности; системности; производственная экскурсия; система средств; технологическая культура; business games; case study; method of projects; principles of necessity; optimality; systemic organization; production tour; system of means; technological culture
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Pedagogic conditions of development of future teacher’s professional position in the course of special training at a pedagogical college
There is substantiated the urgency of formation of future teacher’s professional position in the course of special training at a pedagogical college in the conditions of integration of the Ukraine into the European educational space. There is characterized the influence of professional training at a pedagogical college on the position of a future specialist. There are substantiated the pedagogic conditions of formation of future teacher’s professional position. There is emphasized the potential of the methods and the ways of implementation of the suggested pedagogic conditions directed at the development of all the components of future teacher’s professional position.
Key words: профессиональная позиция; профессиональная позиция будущего учителя; специальная подготовка; педагогические условия; педагогические условия формирования профессиональной позиции будущего учителя; professional position; future teacher’s professional position; special training; pedagogic conditions; pedagogic conditions of development of future teacher’s professional position
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Initial knowledge level of students and audience as the factor of interactive education
There is considered the potential of the use of the information about the initial knowledge level of older year students and the audience of further training courses with the aim to improve the interactive character of education. There are suggested the testing methods to find out the initial level of knowledge in the disciplines that should be studied. There are revealed such effects of the suggested approach as the objective assessment of the initial knowledge level, problematic character of the learning material, discussion character of lessons, the possibility of assessment of knowledge increase at the final examination.
Key words: исходный уровень знаний; интерактивное обучение; повышение квалификации; входной контроль знаний; тест; государственная служба; кадровая политика; учебный процесс; initial knowledge level; interactive education; further training; incoming control of knowledge; test; civil service; personnel policy; learning process
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Филологические науки
New contextual notion as the result of conceptual integration in extralinguistic and linguistic contexts
There is considered the new contextual notion as a mental correlate of the modern compressive occasionalism and as the result of conceptual integration. There are analyzed the extralinguistic and linguistic contexts of originating and functioning of this newest cognitive construct.
Key words: концептуальная интеграция; концептуальный бленд; новое контекстуальное понятие; окказионализм; контекст; conceptual integration; conceptual blend; new contextual notion; occasionalism; context
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Peculiarities of the use of cognitive taxonomy for description of the contents of qualitative words/adjectives
There is analyzed the systematization of description of the contents of qualitative words/adjectives. There are given the grounds for description of the information about property/sign/quality in the form of frame, conceptual area, script, semantic scheme and format. There is suggested and theoretically substantiated the cognitive model as the most perfect and adequate instrument of representation of the category of Quality.
Key words: категория «Качество»; фрейм; концептуальная область; скрипт; прототипическая семантика; когнитивная модель качества; category of Quality; frame; conceptual area; script; prototypic semantics; cognitive model of Quality
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Interpretation of the term “doublespeak” in the foreign and domestic linguistics
The process of semantic unification of linguistic terms presupposes the use of internationalisms in terminology, simple correspondences of the terms in different languages. But it isn’t always possible to find the direct interpretation of some language phenomena. That is why there is suggested to compare the essence of foreign theory “doublespeak” with the terms in Russian and establish the coefficients of their analogy.
Key words: doublespeak; эвфемия; многозначность; манипулятивная риторика; синоним; аналог; doublespeak; euphemism; polysemy; manipulative rhetoric; synonym; analogue
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Semantic and motivational models of Russian and Chinese astronyms
Based on the names of stars and constellations accepted by the modern Russian and Chinese astronomic science, there is carried out the comparative analysis of semantic and motivation models of the Russian and Chinese astronyms, determined the national and cultural peculiarities of the nomination principles.
Key words: астроним; принцип номинации; семантико-мотивировочная модель; трансонимизация; онимизация; astronym; nomination principle; semantic and motivation model; transonymization; onymization
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Considering the issue of the status of adjectives “moyen” and “normal” in the group of adjectives expressing size
The adjectives of size are united in the group based on the sign “relative size”. The subgroup of adjectives united by the qualitative sign “average size” includes two adjectives - moyen and normal. The conclusions made as the result of this analysis make it possible to specify the contents of the integral sign of group and the principle of structuring of the semantic space, adjectives of size.
Key words: прилагательные размера современного французского языка; количественный признак; лексико-семантическая группа; методики анализа содержания и функционирования прилагательных в речи; adjectives of size in the modern French language; qualitative sign; lexical and semantic group; methods of analysis of contents and functioning of the adjectives in speech
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Basic aspects of a person’s appearance characteristics in the modern Russian language
There are researched the characteristics of a person’s appearance as a system of signs that reveal various aspects of existence of a human as a biological and social object. All the variety of appearance descriptions and its components may be divided according to the sign of static and dynamic character. The analysis reveals the basic criteria and parameters that determine the characteristics as this or that type of description.
Key words: характеристика внешности; компонент внешности; статический признак; динамический признак; appearance characteristics; component of appearance; static sign; dynamic sign
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Dynamics of the lexical structure with the etymologic root *sьrdin the Russian language history
There is considered the change in the lexical structure of the family of words with the etymologic root *sьrd- in the Russian language history. There is determined the structure of word-formative paradigms both existing in the modern Russian language and lost at some stage.
Key words: словообразовательное гнездо; словообразовательная парадигма; история русского языка; диахронический анализ; корень *sьrd-; family of words; word-formative paradigm; history of the Russian language; diachronic analysis; root *sьrd-
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Concept “good breeding” in perception of Russian native speakers
There is described the course and the results of the survey carried out among Russian native speakers with the aim to reveal the components of the concept “good breeding” and further selection for the analysis of proverbs and the appropriate semantics.
Key words: воспитанность; языковая картина мира; нарушение нравственных норм; критерии; анкетирование; пословица; good breeding; language world picture; violation of moral standards; criteria; survey; proverb
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Metaphors in youth newspapers
There are regarded the semantic classifications of metaphors by N.D. Arutunova, V.G. Gak, V.P. Moskvin, G.N. Sklyarevskaya. There are analyzed the youth newspapers regarding the motivated, syncretic and associative metaphors of the meliorative and pejorative assessments. Based on the research there are reveled the similarities and differences of metaphor use in the thematic subgroups based on the suggested classification.
Key words: мотивированная метафора; ассоциативная метафора; синкретическая метафора; мелиоративная оценка; пейоративная оценка; нейтральная оценка; motivated metaphor; associative metaphor; syncretic metaphor; meliorative assessment; pejorative assessment; neutral assessment
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Evolution processes in the lexical and phraseological space of dialects of later formation (based on Kuban dialects)
Based on the Kuban dialects there are analyzed the peculiarities of evolution processes that favour the stability and constant changeability of the lexical and phraseological system of dialects of later formation.
Key words: говоры позднего образования; диалектная лексико-фразеологическая система; кубанский диалект; эволюционные процессы; dialects of later formation; dialect lexical and phraseological system; Kuban dialect; evolution processes
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Implementation of intercultural communication in the English hypertext
There are considered the ways of implementation of intercultural interaction in a hypertext in the modern literary communication. Thus, there is carried out the lexical analysis of a number of English reviews of fiction texts put on the Internet. As the result there are determined two vectors of intercultural communication in the English hypertext, as well as revealed the basic means of their language expression.
Key words: гипертекст; литературная коммуникация; художественный текст; отзыв; антропоним; эпоним; hypertext; literary communication; fiction text; review; anthroponym; eponym
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German proverbs with temporal meaning and their Russian equivalents (experience of ideographic description of phraseological units in the microfield “Relative time”)
There are researched the German proverbs with the temporal meaning within the ideographic field of time, which basic component is the microfield “Relative time”. There are revealed the similarities and differences in expressing time in German and Russian proverbs that show the peculiarities of the language world pictures of the two nations.
Key words: относительное время; идея всеобщности; национально-специфический характер; relative time; idea of universality; national and specific character
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Formal signs of semantic subclasses of speech names in the English language
There are considered the formal signs of the English nouns with the meaning “speech” and their correlation with the semantics of this nominative group. There are regarded the signs of the chronologic, etymologic, morphologic levels. The correlation and cluster analysis of the formal and semantic signs makes it possible to give the complex characteristics of the nouns under research.
Key words: имена речи; хронологические; этимологические; морфологические признаки; корреляционный анализ; кластерный анализ; speech names; chronologic; etymologic; morphologic signs; correlation analysis; cluster analysis
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“Прохожих двое шло дорогою одною...” (fiction space in Russian fables of the XVIII century)
There are described the peculiarities of the fiction space in Russian fables of the XVIII century, revealed the main methods and tendencies of its representation. The fable space is characterized as consisting of two parts that combine the toposes of the plot and the narrator.
Key words: русская басня XVIII в; художественное пространство; типизация; конкретизация; нулевой и мнимый хронотоп; Russian fables of the XVIII century; fiction space; typification; particular definition; zero and imaginary chronotop
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Velimir Khlebnikov as a “preacher” of the ideas of Zoroastrianism in the Russian literature of the Silver Age
The echoes of the doctrine by Zarathustra are evident in the poem “Видите, персы, вот я иду…” by Velimir Khlebnikov. The poet used the Avestan terms and notions with the aim to characterize the political situation in Iran in the 1900s.
Key words: Заратустра; авестийские термины; спаситель; борьбa Добра и Зла; революция; советская Персия; Zarathustra; Avestan terms; the Saviour; fight of good and evil; revolution; Soviet Persia
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Landscape details as the means of psychologization of the image (based on the novel by John Galsworthy “The Man of Property”)
There are regarded the ways to create the psychological portrait of a character through the prism of the nature image. The analysis was based on the most significant artistic and composition, verbal and speech devices.
Key words: Джон Голсуорси; образ природы; образ персонажа; лингвопоэтическая характеристика; John Galsworthy; image of nature; image of character; linguopoetic characteristics
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Исторические науки
Development of the sanitary and prevention work in Tsaritsyn by the example of fight against infectious diseases in the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century
There is described the role of the sanitary and prevention direction in the medical culture of the provincial Tsaritsyn in the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century, emphasized the special influence of the social and economic conditions of Tsaritsyn on the ecological and epidemiological situation in the city. One of the reasons for the quick spreading of infectious diseases among the people in Tsaritsyn is the extremely low cultural level of its citizens. There are covered the forms and methods of prevention of infectious diseases in Tsaritsyn at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries.
Key words: квартирный вопрос; квартирные деньги; Главное Общество российских железных дорог; казармы; нормы квартирного довольствия; циркуляр; ссуда; санитарно-гигиенические нормы; medical culture; provincial town; infectious disease; hygiene; treatment and prevention work
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Development of the sanitary and prevention work in Tsaritsyn by the example of fight against infectious diseases in the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century
There is described the role of the sanitary and prevention direction in the medical culture of the provincial Tsaritsyn in the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century, emphasized the special influence of the social and economic conditions of Tsaritsyn on the ecological and epidemiological situation in the city. One of the reasons for the quick spreading of infectious diseases among the people in Tsaritsyn is the extremely low cultural level of its citizens. There are covered the forms and methods of prevention of infectious diseases in Tsaritsyn at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries.
Key words: медицинская культура; провинциальный город; инфекционные заболевания; гигиена; лечебно-профилактическая работа; medical culture; provincial town; infectious disease; hygiene; treatment and prevention work
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The Emperor and the Council of Ministers in the basic state laws of the 23 April 1906: historic and law aspect
There is considered the law status and the authority of the Emperor and the Council of Ministers, as well as their cooperation in the Basic state laws of the 23 April 1906. There is made the conclusion that in the beginning of the XX century there was established the constitutive dual monarchy in Russia.
Key words: исполнительная власть; Основные государственные законы 1906 г; император; Совет министров; executive power; basic state laws of 1906; Emperor; Council of Ministers
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Censorship of periodicals in the end of 1920s - second half of the 1930s (by the example of the Lower Volga Region)
Based on the analysis of the documents of the Lower Volga Region censorship authorities there is considered the mechanism of the state control over the contents of the regional periodicals. There are shown the characteristic material of the periodicals that do not meet the requirements of the censorship.
Key words: цензура; периодическая печать; средства массовой информации; Нижнее Поволжье; газеты; censorship; periodicals; mass media; Lower Volga Region; newspapers
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Development of the system of women’s and children’s health protection in the Stalingrad region in 1945 - beginning of 1950
There is shown the public policy in reconstruction and development of the system of women’s and children’s health protection in the Stalingrad region in the course of implementation of the forth five-year-plan of development of the national economy of the USSR. There are revealed the positive tendencies of the growth of the qualitative and quantitative factors of services, in the sphere of health care and preschool education in the urban and rural areas. There are revealed and characterized the issues in development of the system of maternity and childhood protection.
Key words: система здравоохранения; охрана здоровья женщин и детей; пятилетний план развития народного хозяйства 1946 - 1950 гг; system of health protection; women’s and children’s health protection; five-year-plan of development of the national economy in the 1946-1950
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Role of the Key uba institutions in organization of leisure of Soviet people in the 1953-1964 (by the example of Stalingrad (Volgograd))
There are analyzed the areas of work of the Key uba institutions in organization of leisure of people in Stalingrad (Volgograd) in 1953-1964.
Key words: досуг населения; клубы; дома культуры; дворцы культуры; «оттепель» (1953 - 1964 гг.); Сталинград - Волгоград; people’s leisure; Key ubas; recreation centres; recreation houses; “thaw” (1953-1964); Stalingrad - Volgograd
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Activities of the Volgograd Regional Organization “Voluntary Society for Assisting Army” in military and patriotic education of people in the 1960-1980s
There are regarded the activities of the Volgograd organization VSAA in military and patriotic education of the youth. There are marked out the main forms and methods of its work, the goals and tasks, the correlation with other public organizations.
Key words: военно-патриотическое воспитание; пропаганда; ДОСААФ; комсомол; military and patriotic education; propaganda; VSAA; Komsomol
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Some aspects of Russian and Kazakhstan cooperation: success and problems
There are considered the basic priority directions of the Russian and Kazakhstan cooperation after the USSR collapse and the CIS creation. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the main prerequisites of this cooperation, there are shown the positive and negative aspects of development of the economic relations between the two leading states of the CIS. There is revealed the regulatory and legal basis of the Russia-Kazakhstan cooperation in the sphere of economics, common use of the space complex “Baikonur”, formation of the customs union, the united economic space and so on.
Key words: экономическое сотрудничество; Республика Казахстан; Российская Федерация; промышленность; договорно-правовая база; соглашения; двусторонние связи; торговля; поставки; производство; economic cooperation; Republic of Kazakhstan; Russian Federation; industry; legal basis; agreements; two-way communications; trade; supplies; production
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Election campaign of sanacja in Sejm of 1930 in Poland at the pages of the “Gazeta Polska”
There is represented the participation in the election campaign in Sejm of 1930 in Poland of the basic governmental publishing agency “Gazeta Polska”. There are marked out the main direction of the election propaganda of the newspaper and analyzed its material on the theme.
Key words: история Польши; режим санации (sanacja regime); пресса; «Газета польска» (“Gazeta Polska”); history of Poland; sanacja regime; press; “Gazeta Polska”
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