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«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)

«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)
e-mail:izvestia_vspu@mail.ru, izvestia@vspu.ru ),
phone (8442) 60-28-86

№2 (135) 2019
2019 г.
Педагогические науки
The use of the spiritual and moral potential of extracurricular forms of organization of educational activities in training of future teachers
The article focuses attention on the organization of the educational environment of the university as a whole and extracurricular activities as part of it. The author emphasizes the importance of the formation of the spiritual and moral foundations of professional behavior, which largely determine the quality of teacher training. The university’s experience of using the spiritual and moral potential of extracurricular forms of organization of educational activities is presented.
Key words: будущие педагоги; профессиональное поведение; духовно-нравственные основы; образовательная среда; внеаудиторная деятельность; future teachers; professional behavior; spiritual and moral foundations; educational environment; extracurricular activities
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Research and educational environment as a factor in improving of the future teacher training
The article raises the problem of importance of the organization of the research and educational environment for the professional foreign language teacher training. The authors present the main directions of planning of research environment for the effective training of a foreign language teacher. The specificities of planning the research environment for students are revealedwhich help to enhance the intellectual potential of students.
Key words: исследовательская образовательная среда; исследовательская деятельность; исследовательская компетенция; проектно-исследовательская технология; research educational environment; research activities; research competence; design and research technology
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Innovative educational environment of the university as a pedagogical condition for the development of critical thinking in students
The article considers the topical issue of creating pedagogical conditions for the development of critical thinking in students. The author proves that the innovative educational environment of the university is such a pedagogical condition. The concepts of “critical thinking” and “innovative educational environment” are clarified. The essence, structure and methodological approaches of building an innovative educational environment are described.
Key words: педагогические условия; развитие критического мышления студентов; инновационная образовательная среда; pedagogical conditions; the development of critical thinking of students; innovative educational environment
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The image of a teacher in social and pedagogical thought of the XVI - XVII centuries
The article explores the idea of an ideal teacher which began to take shape in the 16th - 17th centuries, consolidating itself in state and local school documents and in public consciousness. The authors consider the emergence of the religious and humanistic nature of the teaching profession, the society’s awareness of the teacher’s personal responsibility for the result of their work, as well as the formation of the most important qualities of teachers in the 16th - 17th centuries.
Key words: история педагогического образования; требования к учителю; подготовка учителей; ценности педагогического образования; history of teacher education; requirements for a teacher; teacher training; values of teacher education
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The dialogue category as a current feature and requirement of modern educational practice. Dedicated to the centenary year of V. A. Sukhomlinsky’s birth
The article highlights the importance of revising approaches to education, updating its content, methods and forms, based on redefinition of pedagogical systems of the twentieth century in conditions of effective modernization of Russian education. The author considers it logical in this regard to appeal to the heritage of V. A. Sukhomlinsky because it contains the concept of dialogue which makes it possible to describeand substantiate pedagogical conditions necessary for its implementation in modern educational practice.
Key words: В.А.Сухомлинский; диалогичность; воспитательный диалог; со-бытие; индивидуализация воспитания; духовное общение; V. A. Sukhomlinsky; dialogical; educational dialogue; co-being; individualization of upbringing; spiritual communication
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Training kindergarten teachers to use speech development technologies
The article deals with the problem of training kindergarten teachers to use speech development technologies. The authors reveal the essence of the concept of speech development technologies and substantiate the relevance of vocational training of kindergarten teachers for their implementation. The classification of speech development technologies is presented. The results of the survey of practical experience in training kindergarten teachers are analyzed.
Key words: дошкольное образование; педагогические технологии; технологии развития речи; классификация технологий; подготовка воспитателей детей дошкольного возраста; preschool education; pedagogical technologies; speech development technologies; classification of technologies; training kindergarten teachers
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Prospects for the development of educational activities in the context of the formation of the information society in the Russian Federation
The article is concerned with the development of the information society in the Russian Federation which requires significant changes in the field of education. The author claims it is necessary to modernize the training tools and transform the pedagogical activity by enhancing high technology, multilingualism, intensification and individualization of education.
Key words: педагогическая деятельность; развитие информационного общества; цифровая экономика; электронное обучение; проектная деятельность; онлайн-курсы; pedagogical activity; development of the information society; digital economy; e-learning; project activities; online courses
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Formation of students' readiness for socially transformative volunteering
The article deals with the problem of formation of readiness for social creativityprocessin high school students ofpedagogy/ The author highlights cognitive, emotional and activity components ofthe process under study. The experience of practical implementation of each of the selected components through modern educational technologies is described.
Key words: социальное творчество; готовность к социально-преобразующей добровольческой деятельности; педагогические технологии; социально-образовательный проект; social creativity; readiness for socially transformative volunteering; pedagogical technologies; social educational project
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Scientific approaches to the problem of increasing the cognitive activity in students with disabilities
The article reveals the specific features of the process of increasing the cognitive activity in younger students with intellectual disability. The authors descrbe the components and markers of the levels of manifestation of the cognitive activity in younger students in the educational process. The necessity of developing didactic foundations for the use of multimedia presentations when organizing the process of raising the level of cognitive activity of primary school students with intellectual inadequacy is substantiated.
Key words: познавательная активность; дети с ограниченными возможностями здоровья; нарушение интеллекта; мультимедийные презентации; учебная деятельность; ограниченные возможности здоровья; дифференцированный подход; cognitive activity; children with disabilities; impaired intelligence; multimedia presentations; educational activities; limited health; a differentiated approach
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Management of project activities of children in preschool education
The article describes the specific features of the project approach and its application in preschool education. It is shown that the application of the project approach in a pre-school organization requires system management. The stages of children’s project activities in pre-school education are presented from the point of view of managing this process. The importance of the formation of managerial competencies among teachers of preschool education is emphasized.
Key words: управление; функции управления; дошкольное образование; проекты; проектный подход; этапы проектной деятельности детей; management; management functions; pre-school education; projects; project approach; stages of children's project activities
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Theoretical foundations and practice of additional environmental education at school
The article deals with the topical issue of theoretical understanding and pedagogical assistance to the development of environmental awareness, the formation of environmental culture among schoolchildren in the framework of additional environmental education. The author substantiates the connection of the formation of ecological consciousness and ecological culture in schoolchildren with the process of the formation of their view of the world. In this regard, the role, methodological techniques and ways of implementing ethno cultural traditions in the system of additional environmental education are noted.
Key words: экологическое сознание; экологическая культура; среднее общее образование; дополнительное экологическое образование; картина мира; этнокультурные традиции; педагогические программы; проект; ecological consciousness; ecological culture; secondary general education; additional environmental education; picture of the world; ethnocultural traditions; pedagogical programs; project
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The project as a variant of non-traditional control in the framework of linguistic theoretical courses in a language university
The article covers the problems of the unconventional form of control in a language university in both theoretical and applied aspect. The author describes one of the project variants which touches upon the main sections of the studied discipline and can be used as a non-traditional form of controlling activity.
Key words: проект; нетрадиционный контроль; языковой вуз; теоретический курс; project; unconventional control; language university; theoretical course
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The value of intonation in teaching language to law students
The article deals with intonation as an important characteristic of speaking. The author observes that transferring intonation patterns of the native language into a foreign language speech carries the risk of communication errors. The author claims that intonation is not given enough attentionin teaching languages to law students, so it seems appropriate to include a system of phonetic exercises in the learning process to optimize the linguistic training of students.
Key words: русский язык; обучение; студент; юрист; интонация; коммуникация; устная речь; нормативность; профессионализм; компетентность; Russian language; foreign language; education; student; lawyer; intonation; communication; oral speech; standardization; professionalism; competence
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Technology of forming strategies for autonomous learning activities in the development of German vocabulary among students of non-linguistic specialities
The article gives a description of the technology which helps to formulate strategies developed by the author for autonomous learning activities of students of non-linguistic specialties in mastering the vocabulary of the German language. The technology is based on the idea of a progressive and consc
Key words: учебная автономия; учебные стратегии; лексика; иностранный язык; educational autonomy; educational strategies; vocabulary; foreign language
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Specificities of the use of information technology training in the organization of the academic olympiad in English in high school
The article analyzes the features of the arrangement of the English language competition as one of the most promising and effective areas of extracurricular work in a non-linguistic university. The author describes the practical experience of organizing the linguistic olympiad at the Rostov State Transport University and the development process of the English Olympiad Computer Testing System which is planned to be introduced at the university.
Key words: предметная олимпиада; информационные технологии обучения; образовательный процесс; внеаудиторная работа; иноязычная коммуникативная компетенция; тестирование; academic olympiad; information technology training; educational process; extracurricular work; foreign language communicative competence; is testing
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Программы профессиональной подготовки учителей английского языка как иностранного в учебных заведениях США
Уровень эффективности образования находится в прямой зависимости от квалификации учителя. Анализируются программы подготовки учителей английского языка как иностранного, выявляются схожие и отличительные черты, а также демонстрируются пути модернизации системы подготовки учителей английского языка как иностранного в США. Раскрывается сущность акронимов TEFL, TESL, TESOL, ESL, EFL и др.
Key words: учитель английского языка; поликультурное образование; TESOL; образование в США; программы подготовки учителей
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Филологические науки
Hidden meaning and nuances of meaning in communication
The article considers hidden content in texts, examples of the interpretation of hidden meaning in individual statements as well as sets of hidden meanings both in P. Grice’s Maxims and in the theory of speech acts. The authors explore the examples of illocution when the speaker carries out his intentionsin a considered manner by choosing language units. The nuances of meaning are identified in the theory of hidden pragmalinguistics, with the sender of information habitually choosing grammatical and textual speech signals.
Key words: прагмалингвистика; cкрытое значение; скрытый смысл; нюанс смысла; коммуникация; pragmalinguistics; hidden meaning; hidden semantics; nuance of meaning; communication
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The phenomenon of ambiguity or the process of terminologization in modern linguistics
The article analyzes theprocess of transterminologization the phenomenon of term transition from one term system to another. The authorhighlights the specificities of the terminology of the chemical industry, namely the terms used in the production of synthetic resins and formalin. The author shows that the process of transterminologization causes the formation of polysemy and expressiveness of a term.
Key words: терминология; термин; транстерминологизация; полесимия; многозначность; метафоризация; terminology; term; transterminologization; polyresimy; polysemy; metaphorization
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Typology of speech genres of network computer communication
The article presents the classification of speech genres in network computer communication. The author distinguishes institutional and personal speech genres taking into account the specificities of the communication channel. The authors give a linguistic analysis of the news press release as an example of the implementation of the institutional component of the network discourse (based on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation). The epistolary and installation genres of personal network discourseare distinguished.
Key words: сетевой дискурс; интернет-жанры; интернет-дискурс; network discourse; Internet genres; Internet discourse
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The image of the author in the scientific discourse: metaphorization as a means of forming scientific abstractions
The article describes the text category "image of the author." The author considers the phenomenon of the text as an open system included into a discourse where the source text unit is not equal to the final product, the modeled text. The category “image of the author” is defined within the framework of the concept of the primary and secondary author. The author indicates that a metaphor in scientific discourse actively involves the reader into a dialogue with the researcher, in the process of interpretation of meaning. It is shown that metaphorization is necessary in the modeling of a secondary text as one of the cognitive mechanisms of the "creating" form.
Key words: образ автора; дискурс; интерпретация; моделирование; смысл; метафоризация; author's image; discourse; interpretation; modeling; meaning; metaphorization
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Features of a language personality in academic discourse
The article deals with the academic discourse in which one of the actants is represented as “the Other”, both explicitly and implicitly. The author proposes a description of the types of the explicated “Other”, as well as the means of its implicit representation, both at the level of syntactic structures and vocabulary.
Key words: академический дискурс; фигура Другого; эксплицитный; имплицитный актант; academic discourse; the Other; explicit; implicit actant
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Towards the techniques of manipulation in oral political discourse
The article considers the specificities of speech manipulation in political discourse. The authors analyze linguistic techniques used to achieve political goals and create manipulative strategies in American political discourse.
Key words: речевая манипуляция; языковые средства; фигуры речи; лексическая номинализация; уровни языка; манипулятивные стратегии; speech manipulation; language means; figures of speech; lexical nominalization; levels of language; manipulative strategies
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From the medical treatise to the virtual diagnosis: a structure and genre description of the medical record
The article presents an analysis of the medical record in the treatise as the fundamental genre of the scientific style of medical works of the XVI century. The authors explore the text of the modern "patient history" genre as a scientific and business substyle presented on paper and in the virtual space which makes it possible to trace the genesis of the "medical history" genre. The authors claim there is a tendency for the increase in structural complexity of the genre and the use of various language tools. The importance of digital codes for the purpose of transmitting information with minimal time costs is noted.
Key words: письменный научный англоязычный текст; научный стиль; история болезни; виртуальное диагностирование; история болезни; трактат; written scientific English text; scientific style; medical history; virtual diagnosis; medical history; treatise
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Russian phraseological sentences of the structural type “Айдамолодецэтотпарень!” (“Yay, isn’t this guy doing great!”): main aspects
The article presents the result of the multi-aspect analysis of Russian phraseological sentences of the structural type “Айдамолодецэтотпарень!” (“Yay, isn’t this guy doing great!”). The authors reveal their formal and semantic organization and explore their linguistic essence. The typal values of the given linguistic units are identified, and their place in the system of simple sentences in the Russian language is determined.
Key words: русский язык; фразеологизированное предложение; структурно-грамматический аспект; логико-семантический аспект; двусоставное предложение; типовое значение предложения; Russian language; phraseological sentence; structural grammatical aspect; logical semantic aspect; two-part sentence; typical meaning of a sentence
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Ideographic representation of Russian set phrases with comparisons characterizing objects in the educational dictionary for foreigners
The article presents a classification and ideographic analysis of Russian set phrases with comparisons describing the material world around a person. The key thematic groups and subgroups of such comparisons are identified, the most extensive of them are considered in detail.
Key words: устойчивое сравнение; основание сравнения; эталон сравнения; идеографическая классификация; учебный словарь; инофоны; set phrases with comparisons; basis of comparison; standard of comparison; ideographic classification; educational dictionary; foreigners
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Portrait characteristics: connection between aspectual and lexical semantics
The article considers situations of appearance description and aspectual situations that form portrait characteristics of characters in content-specific microtexts, namely M. Gorky's memoir-biographical essays. The authors identify thematic groups of verbs that convey specific features of appearance. A connection between aspectual and lexical semantics is revealed.
Key words: частные видовые значения глагольных форм; аспектуальная ситуация; тематические группы глаголов; портретные характеристики персонажей; функциональная грамматика; specific class meanings of verbal forms; aspectual situation; thematic groups of verbs; portrait characteristics of characters; functional grammar
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Verbal representation and functioning of the images of art in the Gothic prose of the XIX - XX centuries written in English
The article presents an analysis of the motif of the mystical image in English Gothic prose of the XIX - XX centuries. The author studies the mysterious space of the picture which realizes the fears of the heroes or reveals to them the secrets of the past while creating a new world with its own laws.
Key words: готическая проза; готика; образы искусства; Gothic prose; Gothic; images of art
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Signs of asymmetry in the assessment of the linguocultural personality type "British Queen" in British and Russian linguocultures
The article deals with the fixed linguocultural personality type "British Queen" as a special type of concept considered in the framework of linguistic and cultural studies of personality types recognized by representatives of different societies. The asymmetry of the value characteristics of the linguistic and cultural personality type “British Queen” in British and Russian cultures is revealed.
Key words: лингвокультурология; лингвоконцептология; концепт; фиксированный лингвокультурный типаж; речевой портрет; речь английской аристократии; речевое поведение; модельная личность; бранная лексика; ассоциативно-образные характеристики лингвокультурного типажа; linguistic culturology; linguistic conceptology; fixed linguocultural personality type; speech portrait; speech of the English aristocracy; speech behavior; model personality; associative and imaginative characteristics of linguocultural personality type
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Linguocultural personality type “swindler”
The article presents a study carried out in line with linguoculturology based on lexicographic, discursive and associative data. The author reveals conceptual, figurative and value characteristics of the personality type “swindler” in the consciousness of Russian-speaking people. It is concluded that linguocultural personality type “swindler” is a recognizable social type whose hallmark is dishonest behavior towards other people for personal gain.
Key words: лингвокультурный типаж; лингвокультура; понятийный признак; образно-перцептивный признак; оценочный признак; linguocultural personality type; linguoculture; conceptual characteristics; figurative and perceptive characteristics; assessment characteristics
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Title and author's abstract in Russian and English: features and recommendations for translation
The article explores the features of the titles and annotations of Russian-language and English-language scientific articles. The authors analyze translations into English made by Russian authors and identify the most common errors and shortcomings. Recommendations are given on how to make author's abstracts meet the standards of the English language and the requirements of English-language scientific publications.
Key words: авторская аннотация; заголовок; экономическая тематика; перевод на английский язык; недостатки; ошибки; author's abstract; title; subject-matter of Economics; translation into English; shortcomings; mistakes
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Linguistic discursive potential of social media (illustrated by the case of the social movement “Women’s March”)
The article deals with social networks which play a special role in the system of socialmedia. It is noted that the main linguistic means of influence are the evaluative component of meaning (meliorative and derogative evaluation), the use of modal verbs, graphic, lexical and syntactic stylistic means.
Key words: онлайн-пространство; социальное движение “Women’s March”; социальные медиа; лингводискурсивный потенциал; оценка; online space; the social movement “Women’s March”; social media; linguistic discursive potential; assessment
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Speech portrait of the political leader of Germany A. Merkel (illustrated by New Year's Addresses)
The article considers the differences between the concepts of “linguistic personality” and “speech portrait of a linguistic personality”. The authors analyze interaction of multi-level means in political discourse in creating a speech portrait of a political leader. An attempt is made to create a speech portrait of the Federal Chancellor of Germany A. Merkel on the basis of her New Year's addresses to the German people.
Key words: политический дискурс; языковая личность; речевой портрет; лексикон; тезаурус; прагматикон; political discourse; linguistic personality; speech portrait; lexicon; thesaurus; pragmatic
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Syntactic specificities of R. M. Rilke’s poetics (on material taken from the lyric cycle “Sonnets to Orpheus”)
The article explores some features of the poetic syntax of the lyric cycle "Sonnets to Orpheus" by R. M. Rilke. The author analyzes the ways used by R. M. Rilke to create a unique kind of sonnet, including the means of poetic syntax. It is revealed that the innovative character of “Sonnets to Orpheus” is determined by the use of author's stylistic techniques, such as a sonnet-macrosentence, a shortened line, and some others.
Key words: поэтический синтаксис; сонет; Р.М. Рильке; «Сонеты к Орфею»; poetic syntax; sonnet; R. M. Rilke; "The Sonnets to Orpheus"
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Towards the opposition of two forms of infinitives in the middle English period
The article considers the specificities of the infinitive as one of the non-finite forms of the verb in the Middle English period. The author shows that during the period under study the infinitives coincide formally, however, there is an almost complete discrepancy in the functions of infinitives. Evidence is given that in the Middle English period there did not use to be two forms of the infinitive, instead, there existed two different types of infinitives, inflectional and non-inflectional ones.
Key words: среднеанглийский период; нефинитные формы глаголы; инфинитив; аналитичность; флективный инфинитив; нефлективный инфинитив; Middle English period; non-finite forms of verbs; infinitive; analyticity; inflectional infinitive; non-inflectional infinitive
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Towards the history of Russian-French language contacts: biographical notes
The article considers the history of Russian-French language contacts (XV - XVII centuries). The author presents facts about Russia from the biographies of some of the foreign authors (G. de Lannoy, J. Sauvage, J. Margaret, R. de Laville, G. Miež) containing information about the Russian language of the era.
Key words: языковые контакты; биография; русизмы; глоссарий; иностранное войско; наемный воин; посольство; language contacts; biography; Russianisms; glossary; foreign army; mercenary warrior; embassy
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Peculiarities of using and translating the rhetorical figure of litotes in the French language: context and metacontext, classic and modernity
The article deals with litotes as one of the most popular stylistic tools in classical and modern French. The authors consider the basic definitions of litotes in the light of the controversy among some researchers over the nature of litos. It is proved that the value of the French litas is not always possible to define outside the historical and social metacontext of the statement.
Key words: литота; классическая и современная французская литература; исторический и социальный контекст; litotes; classical and modern French literature; historical and social context
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Axiological paremiological opposition "gooddeeds” versus “evil deeds": problems of description in linguistic and cultural dictionaries (against the background of the Chinese language)
The article deals with the ways of representation of axiological values and description of the connotative assessment in Russian and Chinese paroemias by highlighting the people’s cultural attitudes. The authors reveal national features of value systems reflected in the paroemias. An algorithm for describing paroemias in an educational linguistic and culturological dictionary is presented. A comparative description of value systems represented by Russian and Chinese proverbial phrases is presented.
Key words: аксиология; аксиологическая ценность; паремии; установки культуры; лингвокультурологический словарь; axiology; axiological value; paroemias; cultural attitudes; linguistic and culturological dictionary
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Representation of the symbolic meanings of the numerical code of culture in Russian and Chinese
The article considers the specificities of the figurative semantics of Russian and Chinese phraseological units with components two ( 无) and five (五). The authors observe that the internal form of the phraseological units in two languages reveals more differences than similarities, due to ethnocultural factors and, first and foremost, to the specifics of the symbolization of a numerical code in the course of conceiving the world. The numerals 无 and 五 in Chinese have a greater potential for forming phraseological units than their equivalents in Russian.
Key words: нумеративные фразеологизмы; числовой код; символика; образная семантика; русский язык; китайский язык; numerical phraseological units; numerical code; symbolism; figurative semantics; Russian; Chinese
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“Flea” in the paremiological space of the Russian language (against the background of the Chinese language)
The article describes the common and differing national attitudes in Russia and China, as reflected in Russian and Chinese proverbs with the “flea” component. The author pays special attention to the study of verbal phrases associated with the word "flea" in Russian and Chinese, which is necessary for the correct perception of proverbs and the identification of national attitudes. Matching and non-equivalent thematic groups of the associated lexemes in the Russian and Chinese linguistic consciousness are considered .
Key words: паремиологическое пространство; пословица; установка культуры; ассоциативный эксперимент; ассоциация; блоха; paremiological space; proverb; national attitudes; associative experiment; association; flea
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Analysis of language representations of the concept “recreation” in Persian
The article considers the concept ‘recreation’ in Persian. The author analyzes the key lexemes expressing the concept “recreation”. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the internal form and lexical compatibility of the studied lexemes, which allowed to determine their semantic nuances and ultimately more accurately identify the main features of the concept under study.
Key words: концепт; отдых; персидский; concept; recreation; Persian
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The concept “friendship” in the perception of the world by the Chechens
The article consideres the concept "friendship" in the Chechen language on material taken from the Chechen folklore. The authors analyze the semantic field of the concept “friendship” in paroemias and heroic song. It has been established that the concept of “friendship” in Chechen is a key concept that reflects the ethnic and cultural specifics of the Chechen people. The following semantic features are defined: loyalty, mutual aid, fraternal relations, unselfishness.
Key words: «доттаг1алла» («дружба»); концепт; паремии; героико-исторические песни - илли; семантический признак; верность; бескорыстие; “datagullah” (“friendship”); concept; pararemias; heroic-historical songs; illi; semantic attribute; loyalty; unselfishness
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The crane in the folk tradition of the Kalmyks
The article explores the image of a crane, a sacred bird enjoying special reverence among the Kalmyks. In the Kalmyk folk tradition there are prohibitions,incantations, fairy tales, songs, dances associated with this migratory bird.
Key words: сказки о животных и птицах; журавль; заговор; запрет; свадебная песня; танец-пантомима; fairy tales about animals and birds; crane; incantation; prohibition; wedding song; pantomime dance
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Subject syncretism in song poetry of the second half of the 20th century
The article considers the type of subject syncretism, specific to song poetry arising in the course of creating cover versions and tributes, that is, when a piece moves from one artist to another. The author demonstrates specific “mechanisms” of subject transformations of a song. The conclusion is made that modern performing arts are close to archaic forms of consciousness and thinking.
Key words: песня; песенная поэзия; субъектная структура; субъектный синкретизм; субтекстуальность; вариативность; song; song poetry; subject structure; subject syncretism; subtextuality; variability
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The visual code in the novel “That Awful Mess on Via Merulana” by K. E. Gaddy
The article analyzes the visual code of the novel by K.E. Gaddy “That Awful Mess on Via Merulana”. The author observes that references to works of art in the novel are placed in a markedly ironic, informal context, but, besides a parodic and desacralizing meaning, this technique is given an ethical meaning: a different, sublime reality gives beauty and meaning to the ugliness of life depicted.
Key words: К.Э. Гадда; Рафаэль; Микеланджело; Караваджо; Р. Лонги; экфрасис; K.E. Gadda; Raphael; Michelangelo; Caravaggio; R. Longhi; ecphrasis
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Abelard and Heloise: sculptural visualization of the myth of the unfortunate lovers
The article raises the problem of a sculptural visualization of Abelard and Heloise, the philosopher and his student from the well known autobiographical novel "Stories of My Disasters" by Pierre Abelard. The author highlights the fact that, despite the existence of the surviving correspondence between Abelard and Heloise, not a single reliable image of them survived until the present time. The author claims that the need which arose in the twenty-first century for the visualization of the two real personalities who have become mythical characters has become even sharper. The author insists that the visualization of the myth of Abelard and Heloise in monumental sculpture marks transitional periods associated with the rethinking and revision of the cultural code, as well as attempts to capture.
Key words: Абеляр; Элоиза; Александр Ленуар; Мишель Леви; личность; миф; скульптура; визуализация; Abelard; Eloise; Alexander Lenoir; Michel Levy; personality; myth; sculpture; visualization
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The specificities of children's e-literature in Croatia and Russia
The article is focused on electronic literature for children which represents a largely unexplored area. The authors pay particular attention to the artistic originality of children's e-literature in Croatia and Russia. Concepts “electronic book”, “digital book”, and “electronic literature” are clarified.
Key words: электронная литература; цифровая книга; интерактивные жанры; художественное своеобразие цифровой литературы; читатель-геймер; electronic literature; digital book; interactive genres; artistic originality of digital literature; reader-gamer
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Хроника и рецензии
От эмотивной лингвистики к эмотивной лингвоэкологии: динамический аспект
Key words:
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