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«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)

«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)
e-mail:izvestia_vspu@mail.ru, izvestia@vspu.ru ),
phone (8442) 60-28-86

Борытко Николай Михайлович
Волгоградский государственный социально-педагогический университет
д-р пед. наук, проф. каф. педагогики Волгогр. гос. соц.-пед. наук.
E-mail borytko@mail.ru

List of publications: (22)
Monitoring of formation of personal results of FSES as the mechanism of educational process management
The article deals with the management of formation of the personal (educational) results of education in the aspect of monitoring. The characteristics of monitoring in education, the features of educational results and the role of the personal results mentioned in the Federal state educational standard (FSES) are described in the article.
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Project method in postgraduate education of teachers
The article reveals the sequence of mastering the classical strategy of education in the system of postgraduate education. It is suggested to actualize the classical orientation of pedagogic work, and then to fix it in pedagogic projection of professional work.
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Comprehension of the result as the starting point of educational system constructing
There is considered the category “result” in comparison with the categories “goal”, “quality”, “property”. There is revealed the role of result comprehension in the systemic projecting of a pedagogical process.
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Anthropologic comprehension of a pedagogic situation in the educational process structure
There are considered the characteristics of a pedagogic situation from the position of the anthropologic approach. The category of situation is correlated with the categories of environment, process, factor, condition, position. On this basis there is made the conclusion about the subjectivity of a pupil/trainee, which is established in a pedagogical situation as the result of reflection of one’s own experience, oneself and social environment.
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Logic of professional self-actualization of a future teacher in the national and cultural environment of a higher school
There is substantiated the logic of support in the professional self-actualization of a future teacher with consideration of the specific character of the national and cultural environment of a higher school and the region. There are marked out four stages of working with students in this area: adaptive, reflexive, value and sense and project.
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Modern requirements to professional training of a future specialist of the agricultural sector as the basis for the competence approach use in education
There is considered the professional training of a future specialist of the agricultural sector from the position of the competence approach in the context of modernization of the contents of education, optimization of the ways and technologies of educational process organization and reconsideration of the goal and result of education that lead to its quality improvement.
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Взаимодействие центра и регионов в исследованиях актуальных проблем образования
Круглый стол выездного заседания бюро Отделения философии образования и теоретической педагогики Российской академии образовани.
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Peculiarities and principles of postgraduate training of IT specialists in the conditions of corporate education
There are substantiated the principles and revealed the specific character of postgraduate training of IT specialists in the system of corporate education.
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Professional mathematical competences of higher school students developed in the learning process of the discipline “Mathematical analysis”
There are regarded the professional competences required by the Federal state educational standards of higher professional education and their transformation in the practical educational process. There is given the author’s list of professional mathematical competences transformed from professional competences of the standard and formed in the learning process of the discipline “Mathematical analysis”. There are shown the tasks which help to form and diagnose the professional mathematical competences.
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Проектирование образовательного процесса вуза на основе ментальных характеристик современных российских студентов (Рецензия на диссертацию: Демкина Е.В. Проектирование образовательного процесса вуза на основе ментальных характеристик современных российских студентов : дис.... д-ра пед. наук : 13.00.01. Майкоп, 2013. 515 с.)
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От самоопределившегося профессионала – к профессионалу самоопределяющемуся
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Педагогическая технология «тайм-менеджмент» для студента
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Научный поиск как инновационно-коммерческая деятельность (рецензия на диссертацию: ПАШТАЕВ Б.Д. Теоретические основы подготовки преподавателя современного вуза к инновационно-коммерческой деятельности : дис. … д-ра пед. наук: 13.00.08. Махачкала, 2013)
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Наука или коммерция? Можно ли оценивать труд ученого как рыночный продукт? Рецензия на диссертацию: Паштаев Б.Д. Теоретические основы подготовки преподавателя современного вуза к инновационно-коммерческой деятельности : дис. … д-ра пед. наук / Дагест. гос. пед. ун-т. Ставрополь, 2013.
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Principles of the humanities of professional education of a teacher in the system of continuing education
There are substantiated the principles of professional education of a teacher in the system of continuing education: reflexivity, interaction and projectivity. As the goal of teacher training there is considered the establishment of his/her professional position as the subject of educational work. Teachers subjectivity, in its turn, is provided by his/her readiness for constant self-perfection
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Systems of determination of a pedagogical category
On the basis of scientific demands and the requirements of the systemic approach there are substantiated the requirements of determination of a pedagogical category
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Spiritual and moral education: ethic approach
There are substantiated the categories of morality and spirituality in the context of ethic (religious) education, ethic attitude as the aim of spiritual and moral education, emotional mechanisms of such education.
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Spirituality in the structure of students ethic position
As the goal of professional education, there is suggested the ethic position, in its structure there is sorted out the morality and spirituality. There are defined the encouragement mechanisms of these components of the position.
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Humanist holistic approach in pedagogic research
There is substantiated the necessity of scientific pedagogic research humanitarization, revealed the differences between the humanist and traditional mechanistic approach, found out the ways of receiving the whole idea of a person in the humanist research.
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Empiric data in scientific and pedagogical research
There are regarded the methods of receiving, use and presentation of empiric data in a dissertation text. There is researched the purpose of empiric data in scientific and pedagogical research and alternative variants of receiving them.
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Holistic approach as a system of regulations of a scientific and pedagogical research
There is characterized the logic of pedagogical phenomena research corresponding to the system of model construction. There are substantiated the requirements for forming the establishment process of the researched phenomenon, factors and pedagogic conditions of the quality of pedagogic activity.
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Procedural aspect of methodical system of monitoring of student mathematic training in higher school
There are singled out the functional educational goals of learning process, regarded the main units in the system of pedagogical dimensions, defined the stages and diagnostics procedures and mathematic training quality improvement in higher school. It substantiates the procedural aspect of monitoring methodical system.
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