Архив журнала


«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)

«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)
e-mail:izvestia_vspu@mail.ru, izvestia@vspu.ru ),
phone (8442) 60-28-86

Жиркова Галина Петровна
С.-Петерб. нац. исслед. ун-т информационных технологий, механики и оптики
канд. пед. наук, директор Центра социальных и гуманитарных знаний С.-Петерб. нац. исслед. ун-та информационных технологий, механики и оптики.
E-mail reponse@mail.ru

List of publications: (1)
Gerontological education in the Russian Federation in the system of continuous education
The article analyzes the formation of gerontological education in the Russian Federation in the context of continuing education in the model «education through life». The authors consider tendencies, problems and prospects of development of gerontological education as an effective impulse to personal development of citizens throughout life and expansion of educational space for persons of the Third Age. Special attention is paid to the general experience and the key principles of modern adult education in the transparent educational space.
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