Архив журнала


«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)

«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)
e-mail:izvestia_vspu@mail.ru, izvestia@vspu.ru ),
phone (8442) 60-28-86

Гуляева Евгения Вячеславовна
Волгогр. ин-т управления (филиал Рос. академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте РФ)
канд. филол. наук, доц. каф. лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации Волгогр. ин-та управления - филиала Рос. академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте РФ.
E-mail guevgenia@yandex.ru

List of publications: (2)
Communication risks associated with global English
The article tackles the question of communication risks associated with the spread of English in the era of globalization. The author shows that these risks entail changes, especially noticeable within the framework of economic discourse, which affect both the local language and global English itself. Examples from Russian and English are analyzed.
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Pragmalinguistic characteristics of global English (based on the Nobel lectures)
The article deals with the concept of “global English”, the spheres of its use, describes its features on the example of the Nobel lectures delivered in English by native speakers. The author makes the conclusions about the pragmalinguistic characteristics of the global English in scientific public speech at the level of phonetics, vocabulary and syntax.
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