Архив журнала


«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)

«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)
e-mail:izvestia_vspu@mail.ru, izvestia@vspu.ru ),
phone (8442) 60-28-86

Архипова Елена Афанасьевна
Сев.-Вост. Фед. ун-т им. М.К. Аммосова
канд. филол. наук, доц. каф. якутской литературы Сев.-Вост. Фед. ун-та им. М.К. Аммосова.
E-mail grigormila@mail.ru

List of publications: (1)
Artistic features of dramatic poem by R. Bagataysky“Moonlit Night”
The article deals with the analysis of the composition and imagery of the dramatic poem “Moonlit Night” by a Yakut poet R. Bagataysky. The authors note that the poem is focused on the main characters and their idea, which is the basis forits compositional structure: the increasing role of monologues, the decrease in the function of dialogue, involvement of the author’s remarks in the narration.
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