Архив журнала


«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)

«Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University»
Lenina Ave., 27,
Volgograd, Russia)
e-mail:izvestia_vspu@mail.ru, izvestia@vspu.ru ),
phone (8442) 60-28-86

Ефимова Евгения Викторовна
Нижегор. гос. лингв. ун-т
библиотекарь-лаборант Центра слав. языков и культур Нижегор. гос. лингв. ун-та им. Н.А. Добролюбова.
E-mail jefjane@yandex.ru

List of publications: (1)
Semantics of the lexeme “love” in the story by L.N. Tolstoy “The Kreutzer Sonata”
There are considered the semantic peculiarities of the field “love” in the story by L.N. Tolstoy “The Kreutzer Sonata”. This lexical unit implements the wide spectrum of implicit meanings relevant for Tolstoy’s thought of the end of 1880s and relating to physical and spiritual origins.
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